The Best of Kage Baker

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«The Best of Kage Baker» Subterranean Press

Статья написана 18 сентября 2011 г. 19:47

Сабы выпускают сборник лучших рассказов Кейдж Бейкер.

Состав сборника:

From Black Projects, White Knights

Noble Mold

Old Flat Top


From Children of the Company

Son, Observe the Time

From Gods and Pawns

Welcome to Olympos, Mr. Hearst

The Catch

From Mother Aegypt

Leaving All His Cares Behind

What the Tyger Told Her

From Dark Mondays

Calamari Curls

Previously Uncollected


Speed, Speed the Cable

Caverns of Mystery

Are You Afflicted With Dragons?

I Begyn as I Meane to Go On

The Ruby Incomparable

Plotters and Shooters

The Faithful

The Leaping Lover

Bad Machine

The Carpet Beds of Sutro Park


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