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Журнал Science Fiction Studies (1991-2000)

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#ТомВыпускДатаАвтор(ы)Название статьиСтраница
#53Volume 18Part 1March 1991Vladimir GopmanScience Fiction Teaches the Civic Virtues: An Interview with Arkadii Strugatsky1
    Cristina SedgewickThe Fork in the Road: Can Science Fiction Survive in Postmodern, Megacorporate America?11
    W. Warren WagarJ.G. Ballard and the Transvaluation of Utopia 53
    David A. LaytonThe Barriers of Inner and Outer Space: The Science Fiction of Barry N. Malzberg71
    Robert M. PhilmusThe Two Faces of Philip K. Dick91
    Carl FreedmanIn Search of Dick's Boswell104
    George SlusserLe Guin and the Future of SF Criticism110
    De Witt Douglas KilgoreThe Blue-and-Not-Yellow Sun116
    Robert M. PhilmusEnglish-Language Science Fiction Via Italy122
     Promoting Harry Harrison (Gary K. Wolfe)127
     Do We Really Need Another Utopian Count? (Kenneth M. Roemer)129
     A Study of Superweapon Stories (Alexander H. McIntire, Jr)131
     Insults and Jargon (Lyman Tower Sargent)n134
     Worthy of Improvement (RMP)135
     In Praise of Science Fiction (Mark R Hillegas)137
     Petunias in the Crabgrass (ABE)140
     Nouvelle Anthologie of Old Science Fiction (ABE)141
     Lester Dent and Doc Savage (Thomas D. Clareson)143
     On the Weird (RDM)146
     On Romantic Fantasy and Postmodern Fiction (RDM)147
     Justification by Faith in Archetypes (RDM)148
     Nietzschean Analysis and Theatrical Concern (RDM)149
     Scheherazade in England (Everett F. Bleiler)150
     A Series of Exhaustive Bibliographies (RDM)151
     Atwood's PhD Thesis and The Handmaid's Tale (Shannon Hengen)154
     On Kepler's Somnium (David Lake and RMP)156
     Some Personal Notes in Retrospect and Prospect (RDM)158
     Notes on Contributors160
#54Volume 18Part 2July 1991 ARTICLES AND INTERVIEWS 
    Peter SwirskiDystopia or Dischtopia: The Science-Fiction Paradigms of Thomas M. Disch161
    Jim JoseReflections on the Politics of Le Guin's Narrative Shifts180
    Craig ThompsonSearching for Totality: Antinomy and the «Absolute» in Bruce Sterling's Schismatrix198
    Richard P. Terra and Robert M. PhilmusRussian and Soviet Science Fiction in English Translation: A Bibliography210
    Larry McCafferyAn Interview with Jack Williamson230
    Horst PukallusAn Interview with Darko Suvin253
    Roy Arthur SwansonThe Putative Second Edition of Slade's Pynchon262
    R.D. MullenScience, Fictive Science, and Science Fiction: Everett F. Bleiler's Massive Bibliography267
     On the Plurality of Worlds (David N. Samuelson)272
     Two New British Studies on Jules Verne (ABE)275
     The Noble Savage as American Indian and SF Alien (David Ketterer)279
     A History of German Utopias (Frank Dietz)281
     A Case of the Creeps (Andrew Gordon) 282
     American Gothic (Sandra Tomc)285
     Recursive Science Fiction (RDM)287
     Northrop Frye: In Memoriam (Donald F. Theall)288
     Dick, Deception, and Dissociation: A Comment on «The Two Faces of Philip K. Dick» (Gregg Rickman)290
     On Sedgewick's «The Fork in the Road» (Gordon Van Gelder, Ellen Datlow, and Cristina Sedgewick)294
     The 1988 Science Fiction and Fantasy Review Annual (Robert A. Collins & Robert Latham and RMP)298
     In Response to Marleen Barr (Fran Bartkowski)302
     On English Translations of the Somnium (Everett F. Bleiler)303
     The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Society303
     Notes on Contributors304
#55Volume 18Part 3November 1991 SCIENCE FICTION AND POSTMODERNISM 
     Introduction: Postmodernism's SF/SF's Postmodernism (ICR)305
    Jean BaudrillardTwo Essays309
     In Response to Jean Baudrillard (N. Katherine Hayles, David Porush, Brooks Landon, and Vivian Sobchack) and to the Invitation to Respond (J.G. Ballard)321
    Christopher PalmerPostmodernism and the Birth of the Author in Philip K. Dick's Valis330
    Scott BukatmanPostcards from the Posthuman Solar System343
    Roger LuckhurstBorder Policing: Postmodernism and SF358
    David PorushPrigogine, Chaos, and Contemporary SF367
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.The SF of Theory: Baudrillard and Haraway387
    Roy Arthur SwansonPostmodernist Criticism of Pynchon405
    Peter OhlinScience-Fiction Film Criticism and the Debris of Postmodernism411
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Three Studies in Postmodernism420
    David Y. HughesH.G. Wells: Towards a Synthesis?431
    Richard P. TerraA General Framework for Familiar Concepts437
    Douglas BarbourIn Search of the Poetic Fantastic442
     A Symposium on Utopia (Frank Dietz)447
     Beam Me Up to Better Theory (Donald M. Hassler)448
     A Handbook for Frankenstein VH)450
     A Critical Edition of She (RDM)451
     Starmont, Borgo, and the English Association (RDM)453
     Notes (RMP, RDM)458
     Index to Volume 18460
     Notes on Contributors464
#56Volume 19Part 1March 1992Daniel Fischlin, Veronica Hollinger, Andrew TaylorThe Charisma Leak: A Conversation with William Gibson and Bruce Sterling1
    David Ketterer & Esther RochonOutside and Inside Views of Rochon's The Shell17
    Peter FittingReconsiderations of the Separatist Paradigm in Recent Feminist Science Fiction32
    Steven LehmanThe Motherless Child in Science Fiction: Frankenstein and Moreau49
    Elaine KleinerRomanian «Science Fantasy» in the Cold War Era 59
    Ralph WillinghamDystopian Visions in the Plays of Elias Canetti 69
    Terence WhalenThe Future of a Commodity. Notes Toward a Critique of Cyberpunk and the Information Age75
    Tom MoylanUtopian Studies: Sharpening the Debate: Levitas's The Concept of Utopia89
    Phyllis Sternberg PerrakisTouring Lessing's Fictional World: King and Pickering on Doris Lessing95
    David N. SamuelsonBotching the Science in SF: Lambourne's Close Encounters and Zentz's Jupiter's Ghost100
    Gregg RickmanThe Nature of Dick's Fantasies: In Pursuit of Valis and the Selected Letters105
    David KettererA Typology of SF: Malmgren's WorldsA part109
    Franz RottensteinerLovecraft as Philosopher Joshi's H.P. Lovecraft: he Decline of the West117
     Remaking the Past: Foote on Time Travel (Paul Alkon)122
     SF Strategies in Controversy. The Davies Anthology (Daniel L. Zins)124
     Mormon and Mammon: Collings on Card (Charles Nicol)128
     The Rip Van Winkle Syndrome: Cedarstrom on Lessing (N. Katherine Hayles)131
     Asimov as Mega-Novelist: Touponce on Asimov (Gary K. Wolfe)133
     Huxley's (Ir)resolution: Guardamagna's La Narrativa di Aldous Huxley (Nicoletta Vallorani)135
     The Socialist Artistry of William Morris: The Boos-Silver Anthology on Morris (Nicholas Salmon)137
     Science and Art Mutually Dependent: Sorrell's Scientism (Gregory Benford)140
     Science Fiction in Weimar Germany: Fisher's Fantasy and Politics (Franz Rottensteiner)141
     The Lovecraft Revisionists: The Schultz-Joshi Centennial Anthology on Lovecraft (RDM)144
     A Man with a Mission: Burgess's Guide to Dean Ing (RDM)145
     The Frustrated Utopian: The Huntington Anthology on H.G. Wells (RDM)146
     Counting the Countless Awards: The 2nd Edition of Reginald's Science Fiction and Fantasy Awards (RDM)149
     Arkady Natanovich Strugatsky, 1925-1991 (Yvonne Howell)150
     The Plutophiliac Critic: Implications for the Scholar of «The Fork in the Road» (Joan Gordon)151
     Sofia Letter: Farewell to Totalitaria (Julian Stoinov)153
     Damon Knight's Monad (RMP)155
     Call for Papers (SUS, SFRA, Moreana, SLS)155
     The Books and Manuscripts at Fullerton (RDM)156
     The Machine Slows Down (RDM)156
#57Volume 19Part 2July 1992 ON STANISLAW LEM 
    Thomas P. WeissertStanislaw Lem and a Topology of Mind161
    Elyce Rae HelfordWe Are Only Seeking Man: Gender, Psychoanalysis, and Stanislaw Lem's Solaris167
    Jo Alyson ParkerGendering the Robot: Stanislaw Lem's «The Mask»178
    Manfred GeierStanislaw Lem's Fantastic Ocean: Toward a Semantic Interpretation of Solaris192
    Nicola NixonCyberpunk: Preparing the Ground for Revolution or Keeping the Boys Satisfied?219
    Philip HoltH.G. Wells and the Ring of Gyges236
    Robert M. PhilmusThe Strange Case of Moreau Gets Stranger248
    Jake JakaitisRidley Scott and Philip K. Dick: Kerman's Retrofitting Blade Runner251
     Interaction without Activism: Laurel on Computers (S. Bukatman)257
     Psychopath, Mystic, or Postmodernist?: Stephenson on Ballard (Warren Wagar)260
     New and Recycled Translations of Jules Verne (ABE)261
     Schaffler's Mexican Anthology (Ilan Stavans)263
     Irish Fantasy: The Morse-Bertha Anthology (Ellen Feehan)265
     The Great Pioneer: Moskowitz's After All 7hese Years (RDM)266
     The Black Mencken (and Black David H. Keller): New Editions of SF by George S. Schuyler (RDM)267
     Brief Notices: The Collins-Latham SF&F Book Review Annual 1990, Franklin's M.I.A., Atteberry on Fantasy, Kies on Young Adult 
     Horror Fiction, the Collier Nucleus SF Classics (RDM)269
     Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) (RDM)271
     Our Résumés271
     On Peter Fitting's «Reconsiderations» in SFS #56 (Pamela Sargent)271
     In Response to Pamela Sargent (Peter Fitting)276
     News from France (Roger Bozzetto)277
     The Science Fiction Foundation in Trouble (Edward James)278
     Gender-Neutral Terms for Humankind(ICR)279
     Not 1st, Perhaps 24th279
     Journal Notes280
     Author's Inquiry280
#58Volume 19Part 3November 1992Ellen FeehanFrank Herbert and the Making of Myths: Irish History, Celtic Mythology, and IRA Ideology in The White Plague289
    Lorenzo DiTommasoHistory and Historical Effect in Frank Herbert's Dune311
    Matheson, TJ.Marcuse, Ellul, and the Science-Fiction Film: Negative Responses to Technology326
    Gary WestfahlThe Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Edgar Allan Poe Type of Story: Hugo Gernsback's History of Science Fiction340
    Nicholas RuddickBallard/Crash/Baudrillard354
    Salvator ProiettiFrederick Philip Grove's Version of Pastoral Utopianism361
    Neil EasterbrookThe Arc of Our Destruction: Reversal and Erasure in Cyberpunk378
    John FeketeThe Post-Liberal Mind/Body, Postmodern Fiction, and the Case of Cyberpunk SF: McCaffery's Casebook395
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Postmodern Technoculture, or The Gordian Knot Revisited: Jameson's Postmodernism, Ross's Strange Weather, and the Penley-Ross Technoculture403
    Peter SwirskiA Literary Monument Revisited: Davis's Stanislaw Lem and Seven Polish Books on Lem411
     Excursions into New Territory: Armitt's Feminist Anthology (VH) 417
     O Canada! Ketterer on Canadian SF (Douglas Barbour)419
     Approaches to Popular Narrative: Paimer's Potboilers (Rob Latham)423
     A Mexican Study: Mufioz's La Ciencia Ficci6n (Ilan Stavans) 425
     Toward an Annotated 1984?: Shelden's Orwell and Rose's The Revised Orwell (RDM)428
     New SF Study from France: Bozzetto's L'Obscur objet (ABE) 430
     Reference Reference and Personal Privilege: Two Books by Michael Burgess (RDM)430
     Frameups and Double-Talk «in» Frankenstein: Botting's Making Monstrous (David Ketterer)432
     Brief Notices (RMP and RDM) and Books Received435
     On Rottensteiner on Lovecraft in SFS #56 (S.T. Joshi)437
     In Response to S.T. Joshi (Franz Rottensteiner)439
     On Three Matters in SFS #57 (John J. Pierce)440
     In Response to John J. Pierce (Nicola Nixon)440
     Futures Past: A Visual Guidebook to Science Fiction History (RDM)440
     The Shiel Collections at Rollins and Houston441
     The Spring 1992 Issue of Critique441
     The 1992-93 Fandom Directory442
     INDEX TO VOLUME 19 (1992)443
#59Volume 20Part 1March 1993Robert CrossleyCensorship, Disguise, and Transfiguration: The Making and Revising of Stapledon's Sirius1
    Carl D. MalmgrenSelf and Other in SF: Alien Encounters15
    Roger BozzettoMoreau's Tragi-Farcical Island34
    Dominick M. GraceRereading Lester del Rey's «Helen O'Loy»45
    Robert KelleyA Maze of Twisty Little Passages All Alike: Aesthetics and Teleology in Interactive Computer Fictional Environments 52
    James A. ConnorStrategies for Hyperreal Travelers69
    Stephen ScobieWhat's the Story, Mother?: The Mourning of the Alien80
    Ellen FeehanAn Interview with John Kessel94
     Reinventing Stephen King: Magistrale's The Second Decade and (as editor) The Dark Descent (Gary K. Wolfe)108
     The Facts in the Case of Mr Poe?: Silverman's Edgar A. Poe: Mournful and Never-Ending Remembrance (David Ketterer)111
     Gibson, Cyberpunk,P ostmodernism:L ance Olsen's Wilaim Gibson (Carol McGuirk)114
     The Latest SFFBRI (RMP)116
     History Without Scholarship: Becker's Lost Worlds Romance (RDM)117
     A Canticle for Canticle: The Robertson-Battenfeld Bio-Bibliography of Walter M. Miller Jr. (RDM)117
     The Enlightened Asimov: Hassler's Isaac Asimov (Alan C. Elms)118
     Two More Volumes of «Fantastic» Essays: Papers from 10th and the 11th Conferences on the Fantastic in the Arts (ABE)119
     SF Film Reconsidered for the Electronic Age: Landon's The Aesthetics of Ambivalence ( ndrew Gordon)121
     Worldly Myths, Otherworldly Realities: Downing on C.S. Lewis and Filmer's Scepticism and Hope (Robert Galbreath)123
     Paradise as Propaganda: Baehr's The Paradise Myth in Eighteenth-Century Russia (Yvonne Howell)125
     Familiar Feminist Territory: Keulen's Radical Imagination(VII)127
     The SF Writer as Demiurge: The Slusser-Rabkin Collection, Styles of Creation (RDM)128
     Guinevere Fails to Interest: Gordon-Wise's Reclamation of a Queen(VH) 130
     Revolution or Outgrowth?: The McKnight Collection on Early Modern Thought (Gale Christianson)131
     Aldiss at Large: Margaret Aldiss' Bibliography of Brian Aldiss (Walter E. Meyers)132
     New Collier Paperbacks and Books Received135
     On Westfahl on Gernsback in #58 (Everett F. Bleiler)137
     H.G. WeUs, Robert Cromie, and Literary Crime (RMP)137
     Wells, Cromie, and Verne: An Addendum (ABE)138
     On Our Philip K. Dick Collection (Gregg Rickman and ICR))139
     Academese and International Transactions (Gören Bengston and ABE)141
     Paper Calls and Other Announcements143
#60Volume 20Part 2July 1993 ON HARD SCIENCE FICTION 
    Edited by David N. SamuelsonIntroduction145
     On Hard Science Fiction: A Bibliography149
    Gary WestfahlThe Closely Reasoned Technological Story: The Critical History of Hard Science Fiction157
    John J. PierceThe Literary Experience of Hard Science Fiction 176
    Gregory BenfordTime and Timescape184
    David N. SamuelsonModes of Extrapolation: The Formulas of Hard Science Fiction191
     On Extrapolation: A Supplementary Bibliography233
    Susan Stone-BlackburnConsciousness Evolution and Early Telepathic Tales241
    Claire SponslerBeyond the Ruins: The Geopolitics of Urban Decay and Cybernetic Play251
    Rob LathamCyberpunk = Gibson = Neuromancer, The Slusser-Shippey Anthology Fiction 2000266
    Veronica HollingerA New Alliance of Postmodernism and Feminist Speculative Fiction: Barr's Feminist Speculation272
    R. D. MullenFrom Anglo-American to Amero-British, Alas!: Ruddick's British Science Fiction and Ultimate Island276
     Reginald's Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature 1975-1991 (RDM) 283
     Harbottle and Holland's Vultures of the Void (Nicholas Ruddick) 283
     The Elkins-Greenberg Anthology on Robert Silverberg (Rob Latham)284
     French Conference Papers on Science and SF (Roger Bozzetto)288
     Hermand's Old Dreams of a New Reich (Franz Rottensteiner)289
     Shippey's Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories (RDM)291
     Park's An Aesthetics of the Popular Arts (RDM)293
     Manlove's Christian Fantasy (Robert Galbreath)294
     Morse on Vonnegut (Gary Wolfe)295
     New Collier Paperbacks and Books Received296
     The Aldiss Bibliography (Margaret Aldiss)298
     «Science fiction, including utopian fiction,but not fantasy (RDM)»298
     Riverside Quarterly and Blish's Response to Butor (RDM)299
     Brazilian Fantasy and SF for Export (Jim Rambo)299
     Corrigenda, Announcements, Contributors300
    Dominic Alessio, ed.The Great Romance, by The Inhabitant305
    Arthur B. EvansOptograms and Fiction: Photo in a Dead Man's Eye341
    Mick BroderickSurviving Armageddon: Beyond the Imagination of Disaster362
    Helene Colas-CharpentierFour Quebecois Dystopias, 1963-1972383
    Eric WhiteThe Erotics of Becoming: Xenogenesis and The Thing394
    Ilan StavansCarlos Fuentes and the Future409
    Robert ReginaldA Requiem for Starmont House (1976-1993)414
    The Editors and 35 RespondentsUnjustly Neglected Works of Science Fiction: A Survey422
    Nancy Steffen-FluhrThe Definitive Moreau: The Philmus Variorum433
    R. D. MullenThe Definitive War of the Worlds: The Hughes-Geduld Critical Edition440
    Andrew GordonPosthuman Identity Crisis: Bukatman's Terminal Identity444
    Brooks LandonHypertext and Science Fiction: Beyond Cyberpunk: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to the Future449
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.An Elaborate Suggestion: McHale's Constructing Postmodernism457
    Ben P. IndickFantasy in the Theatre: Murphy's Anthology Staging the Impossible465
     Hall's Reference Index, 1985-1991 (RDM)470
     Roberts' A New Specis (Marleen Barr)470
     Puschmann-Nalenz on SF and Postmodern Fiction (VH)474
     Collon's Anthology Regards sur Philip K. Dick (Peter Fitting)476
     The 2nd Edition of Clarke's Voices (H. Bruce Franklin)476
     The Slusser-Rabkin Anthology Fights of Fancy (Chris Hables Gray)477
     Sullivan's Anthology on SF for Young Readers (Muriel Becker)481
     Cox's The Transylvanian Library (VH)483
     Manlove's The Chronicks of Narnia (RDM)484
     Books Received485
     Thomas D. Clareson, 1926-1993 (RDM)486
     Announcements, Corrigenda, Contributors486
     Index to Volume 20489
#62Volume 21Part 1March 1994Daniel Fischlin and Andrew TaylorCybertheater, Postmodernism, and Virtual Reality: An Interview with Toni Dove and Michael Mackenzie1
    H. Bruce FranklinStar Trek in the Vietnam Era24
    Roger LuckhurstThe Many Deaths of Science Fiction: A Polemic35
    Bud FooteA Conversation with Kim Stanley Robinson51
     Notes on Kim Stanley Robinson's Red Mars61
    Koichi YamanoJapanese SF, Its Originality and Orientation67
    Umberto RossiImages from the Disaster Area: An Apocalyptic Reading of Urban Landscapes in Ballard's The Drowned World and Hello America81
    Peter FittingAnalysis and Interpretation: Sevastakis on Horror Film and Schelde on SF Film98
    R.D. MullenTwo Poets and an Engineer: Reid on John Taine, Coblentz on Himself, and Berger on Campbell103
     Lowe-Evans on Frankenstein (David Ketterer)113
     Pagetti's Cronache del Futuro and Wells' Una Utopia Moderna (RMP)115
     Hall's SFBRI, 1989 (RDM)118
     A Verne Fairy Tale Now in English (ABE)118
     The Collins-Latham SF&FBR 91 (RDM)118
     Cassiday's Modern Mystery, Fantasy, and Science Fiction Writers (ABE)119
     Books Received120
     Another Necroscopic Brain-Scan (David Ketterer)121
     UK Copyrights121
     The Hughes War of the Worlds (RDM)122
     A Time Machine Text for Italian Students (Jonathan K. Benison)122
     A Correction (C.W. Sullivan III)123
     The Weinbaum Papers (RDM)123
     Growing Old Without Yugoslavia (Darko R. Suvin)124
     Queries, Announcements, Paper Calls125
#63Volume 21Part 2July 1994 ESSAYS 
    Brian W. AldissRemembrance of Lives Past129
    Eva HauserScience Fiction in the Czech Republic133
    Carol McGuirkNoWhere Man: Towards a Poetics of Post-Utopian Characterization141
    Randy SchroederDeterminacy, Indeterminacy, and the Romantic in William Gibson155
    Donna Glee WilliamsThe Moons of Le Guin and Heinlein164
    Ann WeinstoneResisting Monsters: Notes on Solaris173
    Carol FrankoWorking the «In Between»: Kim Stanley Robinson's Utopian Fiction191
    Kenneth KrabbenhoftLem as Moral Theologian212
    Everett F. BleilerFrench Voyages into Imaginary Lands: Fausett's Writing the New World and Translation of Foigny225
    Veronica HollingerUtopia, Science, Postmodernism, and Feminism: Jones and Merchant's Unveiling a Parallel, Benjamin's A Question of Identity, and Wolmark's Aliens and Others232
     Haldeman's Viet Nam and Other Alien Worlds (Joan Gordon)238
     Emma Bull and Will Shetterly's Double Feature (RDW)241
     Hassler and Hassler's Arthur Machen and Montgomery Evans (RDW)241
     Segal's Future Imperfect (RDM)242
     Willingham's Science Fiction and the Theatre (Ben P. Indick)244
     Erlich and Dunn's Clockworks (Franz Rottensteiner)247
     Stapleton's Utopias for a Dying World (Franz Rottensteiner)249
     An Unabridged Edition of Powys' Porius R.D.M.R.251
     Shippey's Oxford Book of Fantasy Stories (Jake Jakaitis)252
     New Editions and Books Received253
     Lindsold's Zelazny; Nicholls' Wordsmiths of Wonder; Miller's The Dream Machines; Holland's The Mushroom Jungle; Attebery's Teacher's Guide to the Norton Book of Science Fiction; Zipes' The Trials and Tribulations of Little Red Riding Hood; Patai's Edition of Burdekin's The Proud Man; Asimov's L Asimov; White's Asimov; Hartwell and Cramer's The Ascent of Wonder; Canto and Faliu's History of the Future; Guillemette's Best in Science Fiction 255
     Hugo Gernsback. How to Write «Science» Stories268
     Gary Westfahl and R.D. Mullen. Hugo Gernsback and His Impact on Modern Science Fiction273
     The Clute-Nicholls Encyclopedia of Science Fiction284
     On Mitchell's Gay Hunter (Patrick Parrinder)284
     Btfsplk (Ben P. Indick)284
     Corrections, Paper Calls, Announcements, Contributors285
#64Volume 21Part 3November 1994Elizabeth HewittGeneric Exhaustion and the «Heat Death» of Science Fiction289
    George McKayMetapropaganda: Self-Reading Dystopian Fiction: Burdekin's Swastika Night and Orwell's Nighteen Eighty-Four 302
    Chris Hables GrayThere Will Be War!: Future War Fantasies and Militaristic Science Fiction in the 1980s315
    M. Keith BookerWoman on the Edge of a Genre: The Feminist Dystopias of Marge Piercy337
    Fiona KelleghanHell's My Destination: Imprisonment in the Works of Alfred Bester351
    Nicoletta ValloraniThe Body of the City: Angela Carter's The Passion of the New Eve365
    Arthur B. EvansThe Fantastic Science Fiction of Maurice Renard380
    Maurice RenardOn the Scientific-Marvellous Novel and Its Influence on the Understanding of Progress397
    David N. SamuelsonA Softening of the Hard Sf Concept: Hartwell and Cramer's The Ascent of Wonder406
    Patrick ParrinderQuestionable Guides: The Everyman Editions of Wells' Science Fiction413
     Alkon's Science Fiction Before 1900 (ABE)418
     Roberts' Stil the Frame Holds (Nicola Nixon)420
     Barr's Lost in Space (Nicola Nixon)421
     The Collection Robbe-Grillet and the Fantastic (Neal Baker)426
     Mogen's Wilderness Visions (Bil Colins)427
     Malzberg's The Passage of the Light (RDM429
     Books Received430
     Pierce's Odd Genre; Five Books on Star Trek; Booker's The Dystopian Impulse in Modern Literature and Dystopian Literature: A Theory and Research Guide; McCloud's Understanding Comics; Seabrook on Fredric Brown 431
     The CD-Rom Edition of the Clute-Nichols Encyclopedia of Science Fiction441
     A New Canadian Sf Journal (David Ketterer)441
     A New Verne Society Estabfished441
     The Science Fiction Foundation442
     A Booklet on a Machen Exhibit442
     Apologies (RDM)442
     INDEX TO VOLUME 21444
#65Volume 22Part 1March 1995Gary WestfahlWanted: A Symbol for Science Fiction1
    Susan AyresThe «Straight Mind» in Russ's The Female Man22
    Arthur B. EvansThe «New» Jules Verne35
    Cathy PeppersDialogic Origins and Alien Identities in Butler's Xenogenesis47
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Antimancer: Cybernetics and Art in Gibson's Count Zero63
    Elana GomelThe Poetics of Censorship: Allegory as Form and Ideology in the Novels of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky87
    Robert M. PhilmusKindred Spirits: Robert Crossley on Olaf Stapledon106
    W. Warren WagarThe Mad Bad Scientist: Haynes's From Faust to Strangelove113
     Sutton's Les Icariens (Everett F. Bleiler)119
     Widder's The History of L. Ron Hubbard (Ben P. Indick)120
     Senkovsky's 7he Fantastic Journeys of Baron Brambeus (Yvonne Howell) 124
     James's Science Ficton in the Twentieth Century (RDM)126
     Donawerth and Kobnerton's Collection, Utopian and Science Fiction by Women,a nd Owens' The Unpredictable Adventure (VH)127
     Roberts' Anne Rice (VI)129
     Sanders' Science Fiction Fandom (Ben P. Indick)130
     Slout's The Trial of Dr. Jekyll (RMP)132
     Haschak's Utopian/Dystopian Literature: A Bibliography of Literary Criticism (RMP)132
     Enright's Oxford Book of the Supernatural (RDM)133
     Wilson's August Derleth: A Biblography (Ben P. Indick)134
     Books Received136
     For the «Quirks & Quarks» (Moods and Facts?) Dept. (Darko Suvim) 137
     On Darko Suvin's Good-NaturedC ritique( CarolM cGuirk)138
     Dear Elizabeth Hewitt (Brian W. Aldiss)140
     Wels in Italy (Jonathan K. Benison)142
     Who's Who in Czech and Slovak Science Fiction (Cyril Simsa)142
     Announcements, Conferences, Paper Call142
    R.D. MullenFrom Standard Magazines to Pulps and Big Slicks: A Note on the History.of US General and Fiction Magazines144
#66Volume 22Part 2July 1995George Slusser and Daniniele ChatelainSpacetime Geometries: Time Travel and the Modern Geometrical Narrative161
    Andrea BellDesde Jupiter. Chile's Earliest Science-Fiction Novel187
    Rob LathamSubterranean Suburbia: Underneath the Smalltown Myth in the Two Versions of Invaders from Mars198
    James W. MaertensBetween Jules Verne and Walt Disney: Brains, Brawn, and Masculine Desire in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea209
    Marie-Noelle ZeenderThe «Moi-peau» of Leto II in Herbert's Atreides Saga226
    David SeedThe Postwar Jeremiads of Philip Wylie234
    Thomas A. BredehoftThe Gibson Continuum: Cyberspace and Gibson's Mervyn Kihn Stories252
    David N. SamuelsonTalking: Delany's Silent Interviews264
    Peter FittingImpulse or Genre or Neither? Booker's Dystopian Impulse and Dystopian Literature272
     Lake's Edition of Wells's 7he First Men in the Moon (RDM)282
     Turner's The Culture of Hope (Gregory Benford)282
     Barron's Anatomy of Wonder 4 (ABE)285
     Butcher's Editions of Two Verne Novels (ABE)288
     Elms's Uncovering Lives (Elizabeth Hewitt)289
     Rowe's Doris Lessing (Phyllis Sternberg Perrakis)291
     Briefer Notices (RDM)293
     Books Received297
     On Symbols for Science Fiction (Brian W. Aldiss)298
     The Nesfa Achievement (Anthony Lewis)299
     Tesseracts (David Ketterer)299
     Goodbye to Extrapolation (Darko Suvin)301
#67Volume 22Part 3November 1995Carol FrankoDialogical Twins: Post-Patriarchal Topography in Two Stories by Kim Stanley Robinson305
    J.P. TelotteEnframing the Self: The Hardware and Software of Hardware323
    Cassie CarterThe Metacolonization of Dick's The Man in the High Castle: Mimicry, Parasitism, and Americanism in the PSA333
    Elana GomelMystery, Apocalypse, and Utopia: The Case of the Ontological Detective Story343
    Karen CadoraFeminist Cyberpunk357
    Cyndy HendershotVampire and Replicant: The One-Sex Body in a Two-Sex World373
    Mary Catherine HarperIncurably Alien Other: A Case for Feminist Cyborg Writers399
    David Y. HughesSurfing the Intertext: Scheick's The Citical Response to H.G. Wells421
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Gregg Rickman and Others on Philip K. Dick: The Umland Collection430
    Elana GomelEscape from Science Fiction: Yvonne Howell on the Strugatskys439
     The Hughes War of the Worlds in Paperback (RDM)445
     The Everyman Time Machine Reedited (Patrick Parrinder)445
     Carol Farley Kessler on Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Marleen Barr)445
     Doris T. Myers on C.S. Lewis (Robert Galbreath)446
     Leeds's Vonnegut Encyclopedia and Mustazza's Critical Response to Kurt Vonnegut (Charles Nicol)449
     Schwenger's Letter Bomb (VH)451
     Books Received454
     Frankenstein: The Source of a Name (David Ketterer)455
     On Anatomy of Wonder 4 (Neil Barron)456
     Index to Volume 22459
#68Volume 23Part 1March 1996 ESSAY 
    Brian W. AldissKepler's Error: The Polar Bear Theory of Pluripresence1
    Brent WoodWilliam S. Burroughs and the Language of Cyberpunk11
    Josef ŽarnayScience Fiction from a Dusty Shelf: A Short History of the Fantastic in Slovak Literature to 194827
    Gary WestfahlEvolution of Modern Science Fiction: The Textual History of Hugo Gernsback's Ralph 124C 41 +37
    David GolumbiaResisting «The World»: Philip K. Dick, Cultural Studies, and Metaphysical Realism83
    Rick WorlandSign-Posts Up Ahead: The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, and TV Political Fantasy 1959-1965103
     Bowdler Lives: Michigan's Mummy123
     Aldiss's The Detached Retina: Aspects of Science Fiction and Fantasy (Elizabeth Hewitt)131
     McCaffrey's After Yesterday's Crash (Scott Bukatman)133
     Clute's Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia and Rovin's Aliens, Robots, and Spaceships (RDM)135
     Dery's Flame Wars: The Discourse of Cyberculture (VH)137
     Sf in Greece: Pastourmatzi's Bibliography of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror (David Seed)140
     A Shiel Serial in Facsimile (RDM)140
     Craig's UFOs: An Insider's View of the Official Quest for Evidence (RDM)141
     The Grolier CD-ROM Version of Clute-Nicholls (Fiona Kelleghan)141
    Karel CapekThe Author of the Robots Defends Himself143
     Literary Essays (RDM)145
     A Rejoinder to Elizabeth Hewitt (Alan C. Elms)145
     In Response to Professor Elms (Elizabeth Hewitt)147
     Spacetime Geometries Borges-[PoeJ-Heinlein (David Ketterer)148
     Porius Hailed as a Masterpiece (RDM)148
     A Rejoinder to Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr. (Samuel J. Umland)149
     Jr. and the Android Hunters (ICR)152
     Paper Calls; Contributors157
#69Volume 23Part 2July 1996J.P. TelotteJust Imagine-ing the Metropolis of Modern America161
    Arthur B. EvansLiterary Intertexts in Jules Verne's Voyages Extraordinaires171
    Cynthia DavidsonRiviera's Golem, Haraway's Cyborg: Reading Neuromancer as Baudrillard's Simulation of Crisis188
    Wendy PearsonAfter the (Homo)Sexual: A Queer Analysis of Anti-Sexuality in Sheri S. Tepper's The Gate to Women's Country199
    Timo SiivonenCyborgs and Generic Oxymorons: The Body and Technology in William Gibson's Cyberspace Trilogy227
    Rafeeq O. McGiveronHeinlein's Inhabited Solar System245
    David KettererThe Machine in the Garden-Take Two: Sharona Ben-Tov's The Artificial Garden253
    Robert M. PhilmusMurder Most Fowl: Butler's Edition of Francis Godwin260
    Paul AlkonNew Essays on Early Science Fiction: Seed's Anticipations270
    George SlusserFrench Science Fiction-The Occluded Genre: Gouanvic's La science-fiction franfaise au XXe siecle276
     Russ's To Write Like a Woman (Elaine Klemer)285
     Clarke's The Tale of the Next Great War: 1871-1914 (H. Bruce Franklin)287
     Tabbi's Postmodern Sublime (David Seed)288
     Rushing and Frentz's Projecting the Shadow (Neal Baker)290
     Badley's Film, Horror, and the Body Fantastic (Nicola Nixon)292
     The Latham-Collins Collection, Modes of the Fantastic (Nicholas Ruddick)295
     Wels in the World's Classics Series (RD)296
     Friedrich's Science Fiction in der deutschsprachigen Literatur (Franz Rottensteiner)297
     Telotte's Replcations (Vivian Sobchack)299
     The Halberstam-Livingston Collection, Posthuman Bodies (Ann Weinstone)303
     The Taves-Michaluk Juls Verne Encyclopedia (ABE)305
     Mitchison's Soluton Three with Squier's Afterword (Batya Weinbaum) 307
     Valentine's Arthur Machen (Donald M. Hassler)308
     Books Received309
     To Set the Record Straight (Franz Rottensteiner)310
     In Response to Franz Rottensteiner (Stanislaw Lem)310
     On SFS #68 (Everett F. Bleiler)310
     Timid Title in a Tempestuous Teapot (RDM)311
     Umland and Csicsery-Ronay on Rickman (Gregg Rickman)312
     Some Personal Interventions in the Android-Human War (Carl Freedman)313
     On the Origins of Ralph 124C 41 + (Sam Moskowitz)315
     In Response to Sam Moskowitz (Gary Westfahl)317
     Announcements, Paper Cail, Contributors317
#70Volume 23Part 3November 1996 ESSAY 
    Brian StablefordThe Third Generation of Genre SF321
    Stephen PottsA Conversation with Octavia E. Butler331
    Bernie HeidkampResponses to the Alien Mother in Post-Maternal Cultures: C.J. Cherryh and Orson Scott Card339
    Everett BleilerLost Worlds and Lost Opportunities: the Pilot-Rodin Edition of The Lost World355
    R.D. MullenScholarship and the Riddle of the Sphinx: The Stover Edition of The Time Machine363
     Introduction (RDM)371
    Jack WilliamsonOn Science Fiction in College375
    James GunnTeaching Science Fiction377
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.The Seven Beauties of Science Fiction385
    David N. SamuelsonAdventures in Paraliterature389
    Kenneth M. RoemerUtopian Literature, Empowering Students, and Gender Awareness393
    Brian AtteberyTeaching Fantastic Literature406
    Sam MoskowitzThe First College-Level Course in Science Fiction411
    Darren Harris-FainFarewell to the Master: Standing In for Tom Clareson423
    Barbara BengelsThe Pleasures and Perils of Teaching Science Fiction428
    Veronica HollingerImpressions from the Conference Circuit432
    Arthur B. Evans and R.D. MullenNorth American College Courses in Science Fiction, Utopian Literature, and Fantasy437
     Addenda: The Books, Authors, and Films Most Widely Assigned525
     A Greek Course (D. Pastourmatzi); a UK MA Program (A. Sawyer)527
     Parrinder's Shadows of the Future (RMP)529
     Wilson's Paragons (Andrew M. Butler)531
     Green's Bibliography of the Asimov Collection at Boston University (RDM)533
     Clark's How to Live Forever (Aviezar Tucker)534
     Dawson's George Orwell: A Literary Life (RD)536
     The Smithsonian's Yesterday's Tomorrows (RDM)536
     Books Received536
     The Meaning of «Moxon's Master» (Daniel Canty)538
     On Freedman on Umland (Karl F. Wessel)541
     First Fandom (RDM)543
     The Origins of Future-War Fiction (I.F. Clarke)546
     News from the Hellenic Science-Fiction Front (Domna Pastourmatzi)548
     A Speculative Music 'Zine (VH)548
     Science-Fiction Vision as an Historical Mode (Douglas Barbour)549
     An Avram Davidson Bibliography (RDM)550
     Index to Volume 23552
#71Volume 24Part 1March 1997 ESSAYS 
    Gwyneth JonesMetempsychosis of the Machine1
    Frederik PohlThe Study of Science Fiction: A Modest Proposal 11
    Greg Bear, Gregory Benford, and David BrinBuilding on Isaac Asimov's Foundation17
    I.F. ClarkeBefore and After The Battle of Dorking33
    Christine Kenyon JonesSF and Romantic Biofictions: Aldiss, Gibson, Sterling, Powers47
    David KettererFrankenstein's «Conversion» from Natural Magic to Modern Science-and a Shifted and Converted Last Draft Insert57
    David DalgleishIn Search of Wonder Naive Criticism79
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.We're Not in Kansas Anymore93
    David Y. HughesThe Doctor Vivisected: Stover's Moreau109
    David Ketterer«Furnished..Materials: Marshall's Grave Robbing, Frankenstein, and the Anatomy Literature»119
    Veronica HollingerThe Technobody and Its Discontents: Books by Mark Dery, Anne Balsamo, and Claudia Springer124
    Brian TavesJules Verne's Newly Discovered Novel Paris in the Twentieth Century133
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.The Critic: Clute's Look at the Evidence139
     Broderick's Reading by Starlight (David N. Samuelson)150
     The Sallis Collection of Essays on Delany (Carol McGuirk)154
     Delany's Longer Views: Extended Essays (RDM)156
     The Ezrahi-Mendelsohn-Segal Collection Technology, Pessimism, and Postmodernism (Donald F. Theall)160
     Baudrillard's Cool Memories II, 1987-1990 (ICR)164
     Sanders' Collection, Functions of the Fantastic (Gary Westfahl)166
     Innerhofer's Deutsche Science Fiction 1870-1914 (Franz Rottensteiner)169
     Belford's Bram Stoker: A Biography (Carol Davison)171
     Sutin's The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick (Andrew M. Butler)172
     Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Writers (Gary Westfahl) 176
     Brief Notices (RDM)181
     Books Received181
     Mary Shelley's Hair? (David Ketterer)183
     Remastering Moxon (Everett F. Bleiler)184
     To Set the Record Straight (Damon Knight)185
     A Masterpiece? (RDM)185
     SF Courses 405, 406 (Despina Kakoudaki, Patrick A. McCarthy)186
     Announcements, Paper Calls, Contributors186
#72Volume 24Part 2July 1997 ESSAY 
    Gary WestfahlThe Case against Space193
     Introducing Star Trek (VH)207
    Daniel BernardiStar Trek in the 1960s. Liberal-Humanism and the Production of Race209
    Lee E. HellerThe Persistence of Difference: Postfeminism, Popular Discourse, and Heterosexuality in Star Trek226
    Anne Cranny-FrancisDifferent Identities, Different Voices: Possibilities and Pleasures in Some of Jean Lorrah's Star Trek Novels 245
    Pamela SargentA Sci-Fi Case History: Palencar's Confessions of a Trekoholic256
     The Harrison-Projansky-Ono-Helford Critical Anthology (Daniel Bernardi)261
     A Special Issue of Asterism on Star Trek Music (V)264
     Books on the Klimgon Language (Walter E. Meyers)265
    David SeedDeconstructing the Body Politic in Wolfe's Limbo267
    Sylvia KelsoAcross Never: Postmodern Theory and Narrative 
     Praxis in Samuel R. Delany's NEVERYON Cycle289
    Patrick A. McCarthyAllusions in Ballard's The Drowned World 302
    Louie W. AtteberyTake the High Road: Manlove's Scottish Fantasy311
    R.D. MullenRecent Books from Borgo Press318
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.The Wife's Story: Anne Dick's Search for Philip K. Dick324
     Westfahl's Cosmic Engineers (David N. Samuelson)331
     Westfahl's Islands in the Sky (RD)334
     The Second Edition of Gunn's Isaac Asimov (Patrick A. McCarthy)338
     Two Books on Lovecraft by Joshi: A Life and a Critique (RDM)339
     Paradis's Anthology of Essays on Canadian SF&F (Henry Leperlier) 340
     Becker's ICFA Selection: Visions of the Fantastic (RDM)343
     The Featherstone-Burrows Cyberspace/Cyberbodies/Cyberpunk (R. Latham)344
     The Second Edition of Kemp's H.G. Wells and the Culminating Ape (RDM)349
     Sean French on The Terminator (Peter Fitting)351
     Two Essay Collections by Stableford (RDM)353
     Scholarly Editions of Stoker's Dracula (Carol Davison)356
     Briefer Notices and Books Received359
     Sam Moskowitz, 1920-1997 (RDM)361
     Back to Kansas (David Dalgleish)362
     On Samuelson's Review of Reading by Starlight (Damien Broderick)363
     In Response to Damien Broderick (David N. Samuelson)364
     It Still Rotates (B.D. Sommerville)365
     The Revival of Interest in Mary Shelley (Brian W. Aldiss)366
     The «Lost» Jules Verne (John J. Pierce)366
     SF Round Table at Esse/4, Debrecen (Patrick Parrinder)367
     Moreau and Plaxy Redivivus (RDM)367
#73Volume 24Part 3November 1997Thomas A. BredehoftOrigin Stories: Feminist Science Fiction and C.L. Moore's «Shambleau»369
    I.F. ClarkeFuture-War Fiction: The First Main Phase, 1871-1900387
    Jill GalvanEntering the Posthuman Collective in Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?413
    Roger Bozzetto and Arthur B. EvansThe Surrealistic Science Fiction of Serge Brussolo430
    Donald K. Meisenheimer, Jr.Machining the Man: From Neurasthenia to Psychasthenia in SF and the Genre Western441
    Victoria de ZwaanRethinking the Slipstream: Kathy Acker Reads Neurontancer459
    Batya WeinbaumSex-Role Reversal in the Thirties: Leslie F. Stone's «The Conquest of Gola»471
    Nicholas RuddickFalling Between Two Walls: Luckhurst's The Fiction of J. G. Ballard483
    Brian Taves and Jean-Michel MargotAn Ordinary Treatment of the Voyages Extraordinaires: Lottman's Jules Verne489
    W. Warren WagarGoverning the Future: The Hassler-Wilcox Political Science Fiction499
     Freeman Dyson's Imagined Worlds (Gregory Benford)506
     Clarke's The Next Great War with Germany 1890-1914 (Charles Gannon)508
     Badley on King, Barker, and Rice (Nicola Nixon)510
     The Lavery-Hague-Cartwright X-Files Anthology (Nicola Nixon)513
     Tom Easton's Periodic Stars (Rob Latham)514
     Stephen J. Dick's The Biological Universe (Gregory Benford)516
     A Romanian History of Utopian Literature (Elaine Kleiner)517
     James C. Holte's Dracula in the Dark (Rob Latham)518
     Stephenson's The Satirical World of Robert Sheckley (Rob Latham)520
     Books Received523
     On the SFS Obituary for Sam Moskowitz (Christine E. Haycock, RDM, A. Langley Searles, Ben P. Indick, Eric Leif Davin, and RDM)524
     To the Editors (Stanislaw Lem)534
     Alice Through the Zodiac (RDM)534
     Stereotypes (Edward James & Farah Mendlesohn and RDM)534
     The True Source? (David Pringle and RDM)535
     Stodginess Ameliorated and Dicks Docked (Rich Erlich and RDM)535
     Ballard and «The Case against Space» (Patrick Parrinder)536
     Index to Volume 24 (1997)538
#74Volume 25Part 1March 1998Michael KandelIs Something New Happening in Science Fiction?1
    Fiona KelleghanInterview with Tim Powers7
    Roger LuckhurstThe Science-Fictionalization of Trauma29
    Allan WeissSeparations and Unities: Approaches to Quebec Separatism in English- and French-Canadian Fantastic Literature 53
    Brian AtteberySuper Men61
    J.P. TelotteSo Big: The Monumental Technology of Things to Come77
    Rob LathamPhallic Mothers and Monster Queers: Grant's Collection The Dread of Difference and Benshoff's Monsters in the Closet87
    Teresa MangumPangs of Mortality: The Slusser-Westfahl-Rabkin Collection Immortal Engines102
     The Westfahl-Slusser-Rabkin Collection Science Fiction and Market Realities (Roger Luckhurst)107
     The Daniel-Moylan Collection on Ernst Bloch (Charles Elkins)110
     Kessler's Collection Daring to Dream (Wendy Pearson)111
     Leonard's Collection Into Darkness Peering (Daniel Bernardi)113
     Donawerth's Frankenstein 's Daughters (VH)115
     Landon's Science Fiction After 1900 (VH)118
     Minyard's Teaching Anthology Decades of Science Ficton (RL)123
     The Clute-Grant Encyclopedia of Fantasy (Neal Baker)128
     Sullivan's Collection The Dark Fantastic (Brian Attebery)130
     Morrison's Collection Trajectories of the Fantastic (Gary Westfahl)132
     Books Received135
     On The Gate to Women's Country: An Exchange (Sylvia Kelso and Wendy Pearson)137
     On the Space Program and on Science Fiction: An Exchange (Carl Freedman and Gary Westfahl)143
     Plans for Robida in English (John J. Pierce)155
     The Editor's Slant on The Time Machine (David Ketterer)155
     On Wells's Source for the Phrase «Things to Come» (Everett F. Bleiler) 159
     Various Announcements159
     CUMULATIVE INDEX FOR VOLUMES I-XXIV (##1-73), 1973-1997 161
#75Volume 25Part 2July 1998 INTERVIEW 
    Fiona KelleghanPrivate Hells and Radical Doubts: An Interview with Jonathan Lethem225
    Arthur B. EvansThe Illustrators of Jules Verne's Voyages Extraordinaires241
    David HughesA Queer Notion of Grant Allen's271
    Andrea Bell and Moises HassonPrelude to the Golden Age: Chilean Science Fiction 1900-1959285
    Carl FreedmanKubrick's 2001 and the Possibility of a Science-Fiction Cinema300
    Cyndy HendershotDarwin and the Atom: Evolution/Devolution Fantasies in The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, Them!., and The Incredible Shrinking Man319
    Jim MillerPost-Apocalyptic Hoping: Octavia Butler's Dystopian/Utopian Vision336
    Brooks LandonDazzle and Disappointment in the BFI Modern Classics361
    Donald MorseRepetition and Generalities on Kurt Vonnegut371
     Sisk's Unconvincing Study of Language in Dystopias (Peter Fitting)378
     Back to the Drawing Board for Shaw and Sf (John Clute)381
     Crib Notes for Arthur C. Clarke (Nicholas Ruddick)385
     A Valuable Vampire Volume (Carol Margaret Davison)385
     Babel Handbooks on Fantasy and Sf Writers (Martha Bartter)388
     Brazilian Sf Publications and CD-ROM (James Rambo)390
     Books Received and Assigned for Review393
     A Response to «The Editor's Slant on The Time Machine» (John Huntington)394
     Hugo Gernsback's Ralph 124C 41+: An Addendum (Gary Westfahl)394
     Surrealism and Sf (David Ketterer)397
     Friends of Albert Robida (I.F. Clarke)398
     Master of Arts in Sf at the University of Reading398
     Sf Web Sites and Discussion Groups398
     Call for Papers (Eaton Conference)399
#76Volume 25Part 3November 1998 IN MEMORIAM 
     Richard Dale Mullen, 1915-1998401
    Sylvie RomanowskiCyrano de Bergerac's Epistemological Bodies: «Pregnant with a Thousand Definitions»414
    Donald PalumboThe Monomyth as Fractal Pattern in Frank Herbert's DUNE Novels433
    Ross FarnellPosthuman Topologies: William Gibson's «Architexture» in Virtual Light and Idoru459
    Dominick M. GraceThe Handmaid's Tale: «Historical Notes» and Documentary Subversion481
    Steffen HantkeSurgical Strikes and Prosthetic Warriors: The Soldier's Body in Contemporary Science Fiction495
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.The Cyborg and the Kitchen Sink; or, The Salvation Story of No Salvation Story 510
    W. Warren WagarLetters from Our Father526
     Slackademia (Roger Luckhurst)534
     Christa McAuliffe Meets Captain Kirk (Daniel Bernardi)536
     A Handbook of Their Own (Neil Badmington)539
     An Admirable Enterprise (Mia Consalvo)543
     The Curmudgeon of Krakow (ICR)545
     Managing the Unconscious (Michael A. Arnzen)548
     Tolkien's Telepathic Time Machines (Robert A. Collins)550
     Four Great Essays and Some Not-So-Fantastic Others (Joan Gordon)553
     The Mundanization of the Non-Normal (ICR)555
     Leftovers (Diane M. Nelson)560
     Brief Notices (RL)563
     Books Received and Assigned for Review564
     More Percy Shelley Words in Frankenstein? (David Ketterer)566
     I.F. Clarke and the Pioneer Award568
     Calls for Papers568
     Sf in Catalan570
     SFS News570
     Notes on Contributors572
     Index for Volume 25573
#77Volume 26Part 1March 1999 On Science Fiction and Queer Theory 
    Wendy PearsonAlien Cryptographies: The View from Queer1
    Veronica Hollinger(Re)reading Queerly: Science Fiction, Feminism, and the Defamiliarization of Gender23
    Ann WeinstoneScience Fiction as a Young Person's First Queer Theory41
    Wendy PearsonIdentifying the Alien: Science Fiction Meets Its Other49
    Carl SilvioRefiguring the Radical Cyborg in Mamoru Oshii's Ghost in the Shell54
    Christopher PalmerGalactic Empires and the Contemporary Extravaganza: Dan Simmons and Iain M. Banks73
    Lorenzo DiTommasoRedemption in Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle91
    Tom MoylanA Variety of Utopian Forms120
    John HuntingtonA Kinbotean Experience125
     Man Behaving Badly (Nicholas Ruddick)129
     Monkey Business, or Primate Revisions (Brooks Landon)130
     Dracula's Century (RL)133
     A Monument of Feminist Horror (F. Brett Cox)137
     Better Than It Looks (Verlyn Flieger)140
     Canadian Dreams (Nancy Johnston)142
     Ghosts and Other Masochists (Martti Lahti)144
     Brief Notices (ABE, RL, CM)146
     Books Received and Assigned for Review151
     Tributes to Richard Dale Mullen (I. F. Clarke et al.)152
     Ethnic Sf: New Futures in Speculative Fiction (Roberto de Sousa Causo)156
     Wyndham Exhibition (Andy Sawyer)157
     New Format for a Long-Running Magazine (Franz Rottensteiner)157
     Lazarus Lng Sighting (CM)157
     French, Francophone Sf (J.C. Dunyach)157
     And a French Review (I.F. Clarke)158
     Attention; Contributors to SFS Vols.3-17 (RMP)158
     Where's the Hyphen? (Editors)158
     Errata (Editors)159
     Notes on Contributors159
#78Volume 26Part 2July 1999 A History of Science Fiction Criticism 
     Editorial Introduction161
    Arthur B. EvansThe Origins of Science Fiction Criticism: From Kepler to Wells163
    Gary WestfahlThe Popular Tradition of Science Fiction Criticism, 1926-1980187
    Donald M. HasslerThe Academic Pioneers of Science Fiction Criticism, 1940-1980213
    Veronica HollingerContemporary Trends in Science Fiction Criticism, 1980-1999232
     Collective Works Cited and Chronological Bibliography263
    Martin T. WillisEdison as Time Traveler: H.G. Wells's Inspiration for his First Scientific Character284
    R.D. MullenTwo Early Works by Ray Cummings: «The Fire People» and «Around the Universe»295
    David KettererVivisection: Schoolboy «John Wyndham's» First Publication?303
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Till We Have Interfaces: Hayles's How We Became Posthuman312
    Carl FreedmanLies, Damned Lies, and Science Fiction: Disch's The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of324
     Michel Delville's J. G. Ballard (Roger Luckhurst)332
     D. Compere and J.-M. Margot's Entretiens avec Jules Verne (ABE)334
     Jerome Klinkowitz's Vonnegut in Fact (Donald Morse)336
     Clifford Pickover's The Science of Aliens (Gregory Benford)337
     Brief Notices (RL, VH)338
     Books Received342
     Remembering Stanley Kubrick, 1928-1999 (Carl Freedman)345
     The E-Files: Discussion of The Matrix (A, B, C)346
     Interviews with Octavia Butler (CM)349
     Correction on Miller/Contento CD (Neil Barron)349
     Steampunk Essay (RL)350
     Conferences and Calls for Papers350
     Update: SFS Website351
     Notes on Contributors352
#79Volume 26Part 3November 1999 On Global Science Fiction — Part 1 
     Editorial Introduction: Global SF353
    Philippe WillemsA Stereoscopic Vision of the Future: Albert Robida's Twentieth Century354
    Kamila KinyonThe Phenomenology of Robots: Confrontations with Death in Karel Capek's R.U.R379
    Yolanda Molina GavilainAlternative Realities from Argentina: Angelica Gorodischer's «Los embriones del violeta»401
    Domna PastourmatziHellenic Magazines of Science Fiction412
     Current Trends in Global SF: Roger Bozzetto on France, Elana Gomel on Russia, and Andrea Bell on Latin America431
     On Suzy McKee Charnas 
    Joan GordonClosed Systems Kill: An Interview with Suzy McKee Charnas447
    Dunja M. MohrParity, with Differences: Suzy McKee Charnas Concludes the HOLDFAST Series468
    Carol McGuirkAngela's Ashes: Recent Books on Angela Carter 473
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.The Global Province: New Anthologies of International SF by James Gunn and Franz Rottensteiner482
    David N. SamuelsonFrankenstein Unwound: Jon Turney's Frankenstein's Footsteps and David Skal's Screams of Reason487
    Thomas C. RenziJules Verne on Film (ABE)493
    Betty T. BennettMary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Kathleen L. Spencer)495
    John Bell, ed.An Index to Canadian SF of the Pulp Era (Neil Barron)497
    R.C. NascimentoCommemorating the Colecao Argonauta (R. de Sousa Causo)498
    Robert Crossley, ed.An Olaf Stapledon Reader (David H. Wilson)500
    J.P. TelotteA Distant Technology: SF Film (Richard D. Erlich)501
    John JohnstonInformation Multiplicity: Fiction in the Age of Media (David Seed)503
     Brief Notices (VH, RL)507
     Books Received and Awaiting Review508
     In Defense of Kingsley Amis; A Response (Brian Aldiss, Nicholas Ruddick) 512
     Unnecessary Translations? (Alan S. Wheelock)513
     Bibliography of SF Criticism in SFS #78 (Neil Barron, David G. Hartwell) 514
     On SFS #78 and the Moskowitz SF Collection Auctioned Off (Ben P. Indick)516
     Calls for Papers, Awards, and New SF Websites518
     Notes on Contributors522
     Index for Volume 26524
#80Volume 27Part 1March 2000 On Global Science Fiction — Part 2 
    Wong Kin YuenOn the Edge of Spaces: Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, and Hong Kong's Cityscape1
    Joshua La BareThe Future: «Wrapped in that mysterious Japanese way»22
    Michael FischNation, War, and Japan's Future in the Science Fiction Anime Film Patlabor II49
    Ross FarnellAttempting Immortality: Al, A-Life, and the Posthuman in Greg Egan's Pennutation City69
    Mikael HussJourney to the West: SF's Changing Fortunes in Mainland China92
     Current Trends in Global SF: Takayuki Tatsumi on Japan, Janeen Webb on Australia, Franz Rottensteiner on Germany105
    Michael LevyRecent Studies of Science Fiction in Australia124
    Ray MescalladoOtaku Nation: Books on Japanese Comics and Animated Films132
     Webb/Enstice's Aliens & Savages (Alcena Rogan)147
     Webb/Enstice's The Fantastic Self (Rosaleen Lovc)148
     Merrick/Williams's Women of Other Worlds (Russell Blackford)149
     Burwell's Notes on Nowhere (Ann Weinstone)151
     Donnelly's Patterns of Order and Utopia (Alexander Irvine)154
     Westfahl's The Mechanics of Wonder (John Huntington)157
     Bloom's Cult Fiction and Cartmell et al.'s Pulping Fictions and Trash Aesthetics (Gregory Beatty)159
     Jancovich's Rational Fears and McCarthy/Gorman's «They're Here...» (Andrew Gordon)162
     Gough/Rudd's A Very Different Story (Peter Sands)166
     Cooke/Turner's Biopoetics (Carl Freedman)170
     Hauptmann's The Work of Jack Williamson (Gary Westfahl)172
     Benford's Deep Time (Carl Freedman)174
     Brief Notices (RL)176
     Update on French SF (Brian Aldiss)179
     SF Strategies in Scientific Pedagogy (James Satter)179
     Legal Studies Forum SF Issue (CM)180
     A Tribute to SF Eye (CM, Stephen P. Brown)182
     Calls for Papers, Special Issues, SFS Offprints188
     Lem versus Rottensteiner Verdict190
     Notes on Contributors190
#81Volume 27Part 2July 2000 ARTICLES 
    David A. KirbyThe New Eugenics in Cinema: Genetic Determinism and Gene Therapy in GATTACA193
    Kenneth KrabbenhoftUses of Madness in Cervantes and Philip K. Dick216
    Amanda FernbachThe Fetishization of Masculinity in Science Fiction: The Cyborg and the Console Cowboy234
    De Witt Douglas KilgoreChanging Regimes: Vonda N. McIntyre's Parodic Astrofuturism256
    Carl FreedmanScience Fiction and the Triumph of Feminism: Barr's Future Females, The Next Generation278
    Brooks LandonPomo's Technological Sublime: Nye's Narratives and Spaces and Dery's The Pyrotechnic Insanitarium290
    David KettererSpin-Doctoring the «Testesical» Apocalypse: Clute's The Book of End Times296
    Carol Margaret DavisonRecent Books on the Gothic303
     Everett Bleiler's Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years (David Pringle)310
     Frank Robinson's Science Fiction of the 20th Century and Brian Stableford's Dictionary of Science Fiction Places (RL)312
     Joseph Andriano's Fantastic Beast in Modem Fiction and Film (Gary K. Wolfe)315
     Charles Carpenter's Dramatists and the Bomb (Paul Brians)318
     Richard Saint-Gelais's L 'Empire du pseudo (Roger Bozzetto)319
     Fred Botting's Sex, Machines, and Navels (Neil Badmington)321
     Colin Manlove's The Fantasy Literature of England (Brian Attebery)324
     Schenkel/Welz's Lost Worlds and Mad Elephants (Patrick A. McCarthy)327
     Sherrie Inness's Tough Girls: Women Warriors and Wonder Women and Lisa Hogeland's Feminism in its Fictions (Robin Reid)329
     Jeanne Cortiel's Demand my Writing: Joanna Russ/Feminism/Science Fiction and Joanna Russ's What Are We Fighting For? (Jane Donawerth)333
     Jennifer Brody's Blackness, Femininity, and Victorian Culture (Kelly Searsmith)336
     Brian Aldiss's The Twinkling of an Eye (Robert A. Collins)339
     Edgar Chapman's The Science Fiction of Robert Silvergerg (RL)341
     Westfahl/Slusser's Nursery Realms: Children in SFand Fantasy (Gregory Beatty)343
     Camille Paglia's The Birds and lain Sinclair's Crash (RL)345
     Jack Stocker's Chemistry and Science Fiction and Charles Sheffield's Borderlands of Science (Michael Levy)346
     William Burrows's The Story of the First Space Age and Howard McCurdy's Space and the American Imagination (Doris Witt)349
     Arthur C. Clarke's Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds!, Keay Davidson's Carl Sagan, and William Poundstone's Carl Sagan (Gregory Benford)351
     J.R. Hammond's H. G. Wells Chronology (Patrick Parrinder)353
     Michael Swanwick's The Postmodern Archipelago (RL)354
     Samuel R. Delany's Times Square Red and Bread & Wine (Carl Freedman) 356
     Donna White's Ursula K. Le Guin and the Critics (Charles Nicol)357
     Jones/Gladstone's The ALICE Companion (CM)359
     Nussbaum/Sunstein's Clones and Clones (VH)361
     Glennis Byron's New Casebooks: DRACULAC, live Leatherdale's Stoker's DRACULA Unearthed, and Bram Stoker's Dracula: A Play (RL)362
     David Seed's Imagining Apocalypse (Paul Brians)364
     Gregory Claeys's Modern British Utopias, 1700-1850 (ABE)365
     Books Received367
     Dating H.G. Wells (David Y. Hughes and RMP)374
     News from France (Roger Bozzetto)377
     On Fascism: An Exchange (Darko Suvin and D.M. Hassler)378
     On Global SF (C.W. Sullivan III)379
     SF and Fantasy M.A. at Florida Atlantic (William A. Covino)379
     Conferences, Journals, Book Series, and Calls for Papers379
     Notes on Contributors383
#82Volume 27Part 3November 2000 ESSAY 
    Gregory BenfordThe South and Science Fiction385
    R.D. MullenDialect, Grapholect, and Story: Russell Hoban's Riddley Walker as Science Fiction391
    Charles DePaoloWells, Golding, and Auel: Representing the Neanderthal418
    Amy J. Ransom(Un)common Ground: National Sovereignty and Individual Identity in Contemporary SF from Quebec439
    Neil Gerlach and Sheryl N. HamiltonTelling the Future, Managing the Present: Business Restructuring Literature as SF461
    Nicholas RuddickThe Aesthetics of Descent: Books on Decadence by Daly, Stableford, Constable, Navarette, and Hurley478
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Pre2K Post2K: Morse's Virtualities, Kroker's Digital Delirium, and Dixon/Cassidy's Virtual Futures485
    Janice BogstadYA SF: Recent Books on Young Adult Science Fiction by Reid, Sands/Frank, Westfahl, and Sullivan494
    Veronica HollingerOld Dreams, New Stories: Ferns's Narrating Utopia: Ideology, Gender, Form in Utopian Literature499
     Edmund J. Smyth's Jules Verne: Narratives of Modernity (Paul Alkon)504
     Annette Kuhn's Alien Zone Il: The Spaces of SF Cinema and Kim Newman's Apocalypse Movies (Andrew Butler)507
     Leon Stover's H. G. Wells, When the Sleeper Wakes (W. Warren Wager)512
     Cyndy Hendershot's Paranoia, the Bomb, and 1950s SF Films and David Seed's American Science Fiction and the Cold War (Leerom Medovoi)514
     Brian Jarvis's Postmodern Cartographies (Neil Easterbrook)517
     Dani Cavallaro's Cyberpunk and Cyberculture (Mark Bould) 520
     Samuel R. Delany's 1984 (Carl Freedman)523
     Robin Roberts's Sexual Generations: STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION and Gender (Daniel Bernardi)526
     Gary Westfahl's Space and Beyond: The Frontier Theme in Science Fiction (David N. Samuelson)528
     Tim Armstrong's Modernity, Technology, and the Body and Bryld/Lykke's Cosmodolphins: Feminist Cultural Studies of Technology, Animals, and the Sacred (James Satter)531
     Eric Leif Davin's Pioneers of Wonder: Conversations with the Founders of Science Fiction (Alex Irvine)533
     Eric Greene's PLANET OF THE APEs as American Myth (Corey Creekmur)535
     Books Received539
     True Riddle of the Sphinx in The Time Machine (John S. Prince)543
     Report from a Grand Master (Brian W. Aldiss)546
     Law and SF (Bruce L. Rockwood)547
     Another Outline Legal Studies Journal (Paul R. Joseph)548
     Olaf Stapledon Panel Discussion and Library Exhibit (Andy Sawyer)548
     Awards, Conferences, Journals, Websites, and Calls for Papers548
     Notes on Contributors551
     Index for Volume 27553


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