The Road to Science Fiction ...

«The Road to Science Fiction: From Gilgamesh to Wells»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


The Road to Science Fiction: From Gilgamesh to Wells

первое издание

Язык издания: английский


New York: Mentor / New American Library, 1977 г.

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: не указан

Тип обложки: мягкая

Формат: другой

Страниц: 416


The artist is not credited.


  1. James Gunn. Introduction, с. 1-14
  2. James Gunn. The First Voyage to the Moon (эссе), с. 15-16
  3. Lucian of Samosata. A True Story (excerpt) (translated by Lionel Casson), с. 16-27
  4. James Gunn. Strange Creatures and Far Travelling (эссе), c. 28-30
  5. [Б.а.] The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville (Excerpt, chap XVIII-XIX), с. 31-37
  6. James Gunn. The Good Place That Is No Place (эссе), с. 38-41
  7. Sir Thomas More. Utopia (book II) (Excerpt), с. 41-47
  8. James Gunn. The New Science and the Old Religion (эссе), с. 48-49
  9. Tommaso Campanella. The City of the Sun (Excerpt), с. 49-59
  10. James Gunn. Experience, Experiment and the Battle for Men's Minds (эссе), с. 60-61
  11. Francis Bacon. The New Atlantis (Excerpt), с. 61-83
  12. James Gunn. The New Look at the Heavens and Another Trip to the Moon (эссе), с. 84-85
  13. Johannes Kepler. Somnium, or Lunar Astronomy (translated by Edward Rosen), с. 86-102
  14. James Gunn. Commuting to the Moon (эссе), 103-104
  15. Cyrano de Bergerac. A Voyage to the Moon (excerpt), с. 105-111
  16. James Gunn. The Age of Reason and the Voice of Dissent (эссе), с. 112-115
  17. Jonathan Swift. A Voyage to Laputa (chapters I-VI of Gulliver's Travels), с. 115-150
  18. James Gunn. Imaginary Voyages in the Other Direction (эссе), с. 151-153
  19. Ludvig Holberg. The Journey to the World Underground (Excerpt chap. I), с. 154-160
  20. James Gunn. Science and Literature: When Worlds Collide (эссе), с. 161-164
  21. Mary Shelley. Frankenstein (Excerpt chap 5 and 10), с. 164-176
  22. James Gunn. Science as Symbol (эссе), с. 177-179
  23. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Rappaccini's Daughter (рассказ), с. 180-208
  24. James Gunn. Anticipations of the Future (эссе), с. 209-212
  25. Edgar Allan Poe. Mellonta Tauta (рассказ), с. 212-225
  26. James Gunn. Expanding the Vision (эссе), с. 226-228
  27. Fitz-James O’Brien. The Diamond Lens (рассказ), с. 228-252
  28. James Gunn. The Indispensable Frenchman (эссе), с. 253-255
  29. Jules Verne. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Excerpt chap. X-XII), с. 256-276
  30. Jules Verne. Around the Moon (chap. XVII-XVIII) (Excerpt), с. 276-288
  31. James Gunn. Lost Civilizations and Ancient Knowledge (эссе), с. 289-291
  32. H. Rider Haggard. She (Excerpt chap. XXIV-XXV), с. 292-311
  33. James Gunn. The New Frontier (эссе), с. 312-314
  34. Edward Bellamy. Looking Backward, 2000-1887 (Excerpt chap. 1-5), с. 315-344
  35. James Gunn. New Magazines, New Readers, New Writers (эссе), с. 345-347
  36. Ambrose Bierce. The Damned Thing (рассказ), с. 347-356
  37. James Gunn. A Flying Start (эссе), с. 357-359
  38. Rudyard Kipling. With the Night Mail: A Story of 2000 A.D. (повесть), с. 359-379
  39. James Gunn. The Father of Modern Science Fiction (эссе), с. 380-383
  40. H. G. Wells. The Star (рассказ), с. 383-393
  41. James Gunn. A Selected Bibliography of Books About Science Fiction (энциклопедия/справочник), с. 394-396
  42. James Gunn. A Basic Science-Fiction Library (энциклопедия/справочник), с. 396-404


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