Издательство Hippocampus ...

Издательство «Hippocampus Press»

Награды и премии:

Премия Брэма Стокера / Bram Stoker Awards, 2011 // Лучшее малое издательство

New York
P.O. Box 641, New York, NY 10156

Всего изданий:


Внесерийные издания

A King Called Arthor and Other Morceaux

2020 год

Описание: Cover art & design by Dan Sauer, based in part on artwork by Gustave Doré.

A Means to Freedom: The Letters of H. P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard Volume One: 1930-1932

2011 год

Описание: Переписка Говарда Филлипса Лавкрафта и Роберта Ирвина Говарда.
См. также второй том.

A Means to Freedom: The Letters of H. P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard Volume Two: 1933-1936

2011 год

Описание: Переписка Говарда Филлипса Лавкрафта и Роберта Ирвина Говарда.
См. также первый том.

A Sorcerer of Atlantis: with A Prince in the Kingdom of Ghosts

2021 год

Описание: Cover art and design by Daniel V. Sauer

An H. P. Lovecraft Encyclopedia

2001 год

Описание: Cправочник содержит статьи о произведениях Г. Ф. Лавкрафта и их героях, о людях из окружения писателя, а также о тех, кто оказал влияние на его творчество.

Collected Essays Volume 1: Amateur Journalism

2004 год

Описание: Cover art by Virgil Finlay.
Collection of 152 non-ficton pieces about amateur journalism, plus an appendix of miscellaneous small items. Edited, with notes, index, and introduction, by S.T. Joshi.

Collected Essays Volume 2: Literary Criticism

2004 год

Описание: Cover art by Virgil Finlay.
Non-fiction collection of 34 essays on literature, plus an appendix of miscellaneous small items. Edited, with notes, index, and introduction, by S.T. Joshi.

Momma Durtt

2024 год

Описание: Внецикловый роман и его же краткая версия в форме рассказа.
Иллюстрация на обложке: Tom Brown.

Mr. Cannyharme

2021 год

Описание: Cover art by Daniel V. Sauer.

Sex and the Cthulhu Mythos

2014 год

Описание: Cover by Gahan Wilson

The Assaults of Chaos

2013 год

Описание: Cover art by Pete Von Sholly

The Black Diamonds

2002 год

Описание: Cover art by Jason C. Eckhardt

The Nemesis of Night

2011 год

Описание: Пятый роман цикла «Shaman Cycle».

The Were-Wolf and Others: The Weird Writings of Clemence Housman

2023 год

Описание: Cover art by Aeron Alfrey, cover design by Daniel V. Sauer.

West of Wherevermore and Other Essays

2019 год

Описание: Cover artwork and design by Daniel V. Sauer

Inconsequential Tales

2008 год

Описание: Cover art by Jason C. Eckhardt

The Song of the Sun: Collected Writings

2020 год

Описание: Cover design by Dan Sauer Design, incorporating artwork by LBD's mother, Cornelia B. Drake.
Fifteen original interior illustrations by Jason C. Eckhardt

An Imp of Aether

2019 год

Описание: Cover by Andrea Bonazzi

Monstrous Aftermath: Stories in the Lovecraftian Tradition

2015 год

Описание: Cover by Matthew Jaffe

Random Notes, Random Lines

2021 год

Описание: Cover art and design by Daniel V. Sauer

The Tindalos Cycle

2008 год

Описание: Cover by Robert H. Knox.

Nolan on Bradbury: Sixty Years of Writing about the Master of Science Fiction

2013 год

Описание: This volume, published on the occasion of Nolan's 85th birthday, is a celebration of his lifelong devotion to the master of fantasy and science fiction. Included are twenty pioneering articles on Bradbury, along with a sheaf of stories influenced by such works as The Illustrated Man and The Martian Chronicles.
Cover art "The Pedestrian" by Joseph Mugnaini.

The Atlantis Fragments

2008 год

Описание: Illustrators: Lance Alexander and William Boddy.

Burnt Black Suns

2014 год

Описание: Cover art by Santiago Caruso.

The Wretch of the Sun

2016 год

Описание: Cover Art by Harry O. Morris.

The Last Oblivion: Best Fantastic Poetry of Clark Ashton Smith

2002 год

Описание: Cover by Barbara Briggs Silbert.
Cover artist Clark Ashton Smith.
Christophe des Laurieres as the author, Smith as the translator on: "The Whisper of the Worm", "The Funeral Urn", and "Mors".

Hobgoblin Apollo: The Autobiography of Donald Sidney-Fryer

2016 год

Описание: A Life of My Own
Includes ODDS & ENDS, the latest poetry collection by Donald Sidney-Fryer
cover art by Jared Boggess, incorporating a line drawing by Norman Lindsay

The Fungal Stain and Other Dreams

2006 год

Описание: Cover by Richard H. Knox

Куратор — endermnarsky

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