Издательство Arkham House

Издательство «Arkham House»

Год открытия: 1939

Награды и премии:

Всемирная премия фэнтези / World Fantasy Award, 1983 // Премия конвента

Номинации на премии:

Всемирная премия фэнтези / World Fantasy Award, 1976 // Специальная премия для профессионалов. [издательство]
Всемирная премия фэнтези / World Fantasy Award, 1977 // Специальная премия для профессионалов

Sauk City (WI)
Mail: Arkham House Publishers PO BOX 546 Sauk City, WI 53583; Phone: (608) 643-4500 Fax: (608) 643-5043

Всего изданий:


Внесерийные издания

Demons by Daylight

1973 год

Описание: Cover art by Eddie Jones

The Height of the Scream

1976 год

Описание: Cover art by Ron Fendel

Alone with the Horrors

1993 год

Описание: Cover art by J. K. Potter.

New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos

1980 год

Описание: Cover art by Jason Van Hollander.

Lovecraft Remembered

1998 год

Описание: Cover art by Jason C. Eckhardt

Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos

1969 год

Описание: First anthology of Cthulhu Mythos short stories.
Cover art by Lee Brown Coye.

The Outsider and Others

1939 год

Описание: Collection of H. P. Lovecraft's short stories.
Cover art by Virgil Finlay.

Not Long for this World

1948 год

Описание: Collection of short stories.
Cover art by Ronald Clyne.

The Survivor and Others

1957 год

Описание: Collection of fantasy and horror short stories by August Derleth, inspired by some of H. P. Lovecraft's notes left behind after his death.
Cover art by Ronald Clyne.

Dark Mind, Dark Heart

1962 год

Описание: Anthology of horror stories.
Covert art by Dale Mann.

Travellers by Night

1964 год

Описание: Cover art by James Dietrich, design by Gary Gore.

Dark Things

1971 год

Описание: Cover art by Herb Arnold., design by Gary Gore.

The Watchers Out of Time and Others

1974 год

Описание: Omnibus collection of stories by August Derleth, inspired in part by notes left by H. P. Lovecraft after his death.
Cover art by Herb Arnold.

Harrigan's File

1975 год

Описание: Cover art by Frank Utpatel.

Someone in the Dark

1941 год

Описание: Collection of short stories.
Cover art by Frank Utpatel.

Something Near

1945 год

Описание: Cover art by Ronald Clyne.

The Mask of Cthulhu

1958 год

Описание: Collection of short stories.
Covert art by Richard Taylor.

Lonesome Places

1962 год

Описание: Collection of short stories.
Dust-jacket photograph by Clarence John Laughlin, lettering and design by Gary Gore.

The Trail of Cthulhu

1962 год

Описание: Collection of short stories.
Cover art by Richard Taylor.

Mr. George and Other Odd Persons

1963 год

Описание: Collection of short stories.
Cover art by Robert E. Hubbell.

Colonel Markesan and Less Pleasant People

1966 год

Описание: Collection of short stories.
Cover art by Frank Utpatel.

Dwellers in Darkness

1976 год

Описание: Cover art by Frank Utpatel.

New Horizons: Yesterday's Portraits of Tomorrow

1998 год

Описание: Cover art by Stephen Fabian.

Who Shall I Say is Calling and Other Stories

2009 год

Описание: Cover art by Boris Dolgov
Volume 1: Who Shall I Say is Calling and Other Stories
The Best of August Derleth's Short Stories

The Sleepers and Other Wakeful Things

2009 год

Описание: Cover art by Matt Fox.

Volume 2: The Sleepers and Other Wakeful Things

August Derleth's Ghost Stories

August Derleth's Eerie Creatures

2009 год

Описание: Cover art by A.R. Tilburne
Volume 4

The Arkham Sampler: A Facsimile Edition

2010 год

Описание: 2 Volumes
400+428 pages

Miscellaneous Writings

1995 год

Описание: Cover art by James Turner

H. P. Lovecraft and others

The Horror in the Museum and Other Revisions

1989 год

Описание: Collection of short stories by H. P. Lovecraft and others.
Cover art by Raymond Bayless.

Cthulhu 2000: A Lovecraftian Anthology

1995 год

Описание: Cover art and illustrations by Bob Eggleton

Tales from the Nightside

1981 год

Описание: Cover art by Michael R. Whelan
Interior art by Andrew Smith

The Black Book of Clark Ashton Smith

1979 год

Описание: Cover art and interior art by Andrew Smith.

Out of Space and Time

1942 год

Описание: Cover art by Hannes Bok.

Lost Worlds

1944 год

Описание: Cover art by E. Burt Trimpey, Clark Ashton Smith

Genius Loci and Other Tales

1948 год

Описание: Cover art by Frank Wakefield.

The Dark Chateau

1951 год

Описание: Cover art by Frank Utpatel.

The Abominations of Yondo

1960 год

Описание: Cover art by Ronald Clyne and Wynn Bullock

Poems in Prose

1965 год

Описание: Cover art by Frank Utpatel.

Selected Poems

1971 год

Описание: Cover art by Gary Gore.

Other Dimensions

1970 год

Описание: Cover art by Lee Brown Coye.

The Green Round

1968 год

Описание: Cover art by Ronald Clyne.

The Web of Easter Island

1948 год

Описание: Cover art by Audrey Johnson

The Feasting Dead

1954 год

Описание: Cover art by Frank Utpatel.

Gravity's Angels

1991 год

Описание: Cover art by Pablo Picasso.

The Eye and the Finger

1944 год

Описание: Cover art by Howard Wandrei

Strange Harvest

1965 год

Описание: Cover art by Howard Wandrei and Frank Utpatel.

Куратор — Tsathogua

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