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Роберт Абернати «Heirs Apparent»

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Heirs Apparent

Рассказ, год

Входит в:

— журнал «The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1954», 1954 г.

— антологию «The Best Science Fiction Stories and Novels: 1955», 1955 г.

— антологию «The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fourth Series», 1955 г.

— антологию «Science Fiction of the Fifties», 1979 г.

— антологию «Beyond Armageddon», 1985 г.


The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1954
1954 г.

Издания на иностранных языках:

The Best Science Fiction Stories and Novels: 1955
1955 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fourth Series
1955 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fourth Series
1960 г.
Science Fiction of the 50's
1979 г.
Beyond Armageddon: Twenty-One Sermons to the Dead
1985 г.
Beyond Armageddon: Twenty-One Sermons to the Dead
1986 г.
Beyond Armageddon: Survivors of the Megawar
1987 г.
Beyond Armageddon
2006 г.


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