Журнал Science Fiction

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Журнал Science Fiction Studies (1981-1990)

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Содержание номеров журнала (1981-1990):

#ТомВыпускДатаАвтор(ы)Название статьиСтраница
#23Volume 8Part 1March 1981 SCIENCE FICTION THROUGH H.G. WELLS 
    Robert M. PhilmusThe Satiric Ambivalence of The Island of Doctor Moreau2
    David LakeThe Whiteness of Griffin and H.G. Wells's Images of Death 1897-191412
    William J. ScheickToward the Ultra-SF Novel: H.G. Wells's Star Begotten19
    Michael TrittByron's «Darkness» and Asimov's «'Nightfall»26
    Manfred NaglNational Peculiarities in German SF29
    H.G. WellsWoman and Primitive Culture35
    Marc Angenot and Nadia KhouriAn International Bibliography of Prehistoric Fiction38
    Stanislaw LemMetafantasia: The Possibilities of SF54
    Darko SuvinPlayful Cognizing, or Technical Errors in Harmonyville: The SF of Johanna and Günter Braun72
    Aija OzolinsTwelve Essays on Frankenstein80
    Franz RottensteinerLe Guin's Fantasy87
    John FeketeCircumnavigating Ursula Le Guin91
    Carlo PagettiRecent Italian Criticism on Utopia and SF99
     Voyages to Nowhereland (MA)101
     Strategies of Utopilanism (MA)104
     Jules Verne in Rumania, Germany, France, and Quebec (MA)104
     About H.G. Wells (Franz Rottensteiner)106
     SF Iconography (David Samuelson)107
     Sometimes Critical Encounters (Donald Lawler)108
     A Bibliography of SF and Fantasy in the Low Countries (Joe Dautzenberg)110
     A Danish Review (MA)112
     The Yearbook of French SF (MA)112
    Darko SuvinA Brief Valedictory114
     The Borgo Press: Setting the Record Straight (Robert Reginald)116
     News on the Italian Front (Nadia Khouri, RMP, and Carlo Pagetti)116
     Florida Conference on the Fantastic (Robert Collins)117
     Notes on Contributors119
#24Volume 8Part 2July 1981 ARTICLES 
    Mark RoseFilling the Void: Verne, Wells, and Lem121
    E.D. MackernessZola, Wells, and «The Coming Beast143
    John L. GrigsbyAsimov's Foundation Trilogy and Herbert's Dune Trilogy: A Vision Reversed149
    David J. LakeLe Guin's Twofold Vision: Contrary Image Sets in The Left Hand of Darkness156
    Richard Alan SchwartzThomas Pynchon and the Evolution of Fiction165
    J.A. DautzenbergA Survey of Dutch and Flemish Science Fiction173
    John Robert ColomboScience Fiction in Bulgaria187
    Donald WatsonFrom Fantasy to Feasibility; or, The Romance of the Future191
    R.D. MullenThe OUP Series: Franklin on Heinlein, McConnell on Wells199
    Marc Angenot and Nadia KhouriScience Fiction in Old San Francisco208
     The Dynamics of Genre: A New Theoretical Approach (Artur Blaim)211
     Science and Science Fiction (Dagmar Barnouw)215
     Conjectural Fiction in the 18th Century (MA)217
     Reinterpreting Frankenstein (Mary J. Elkins)218
     Rediscovering Jean Ray (MA)219
     Andre Norton Reprinted (Roger Schlobin)220
     Annotating Jose Farmer (Mark Siegel)221
     A Variety of Voices (Donald M. Hassler)222
     Science Fiction in Popular Culture (Will Straw)222
     Nebulous Awards (1978) (MA)223
     Science Fiction Bibliographies from G. K. Hall (Gary Wolfe)224
     First Edition(s) (RMP)225
     On Lem on Asimov228
     SF in Quebec: A Postscript229
     Science-Fiction and Fantasy Art Show229
     SF Workshop: April In Paris229
     Notes on Contributors231
#25Volume 8Part 3November 1981 ARTICLES 
    Samuel R. DelanySome Reflections on SF Criticism233
    John HuntingtonThinking by Opposition: The «Two-World» Structure in H.G. Wells's Short Fiction240
    Frank ScafellaThe White Sphinx and The Time Machine255
    Patrick A. McCarthyStar Maker: Olaf Stapledon's Divine Tragedy266
    Albert I. BergerLove, Death, and the Atomic Bomb: Sexuality and Community in Science Fiction, 1935-55280
    Jeanne Murray WalkerReciprocity and Exchange in William Golding's The Inheritors297
    E.E. Nunan and David HomerScience, Science Fiction, and a Radical Science Education311
    Dagmar BarnouwLinguistics and Science Fiction331
     On a Variety of SF Authors (Peter Fitting)335
     Ecriture or Knowledge (Donald M. Hassler)336
     Evaluating Vance, Interpreting Bradbury (Mark Siegel)337
     (Re)discovering Mark Clifton (Michael Tritt)338
     From Poets' Lives to Reader's Guides and Back (Donald M. Hassler)339
     Death and Science Fiction (Peter Fitting)340
     A Teutonic Survey of SF Criticism (Ira Tschimmel)341
     Science and Technology in the US: A Bibliography (MA)342
     The Identity of E.V. Odle (John Clute)343
     In Memory of Marjorie Nicholson (David Y. Hughes)343
     A New Canadian Fanzine344
     Jerucon '82 (Sheldon Teitelbaum)344
     The Starmont Series: A Clarification (Roger C. Schiobin)344
     Immortality in SF: A Call for Papers (Donald M. Hassler)344
     The Year's Work in SF Criticism: A Call for Volunteer Bibliographers (Marshall B. Tymn)345
     Conference on the Fantastic (Robert A. Collins)345
     Index to Volume 8347
     Notes on Contributors352
#26Volume 9Part 1March 1982 ARTICLES 
    Darko SuvinNarrative Logic, Ideological Domination, and the Range of SF: A Hypothesis with a Historical Test1
    John RiederEmbracing the Alien: SF in Mass Culture26
    H. Bruce FranklinAmerica as Science Fiction: 193938
    George SlusserHeinlein's Perpetual Motion Fur Farm51
    John DeanThe Uses of Wilderness in American SF68
    John BellUneasy Union: A Checklist of English-Language SF Concerning Canadian Separatist Conflicts82
    Robert M. PhilmusScience Fiction and Alienation89
    Andrew GordonScience-Fiction Film Criticism93
     A Man of the Enlightenment (MA)96
     In Praise of (Baumian) Utopianism (Leonard Mendelsohn)96
     The Merits of Samuel R. Delany (Gary Wolfe)98
     Delany and Zelazny from G.K. Hall (Roger C. Schlobin)99
     An Index of SF Criticism and Book Reviews (CE)100
     Writings about the Future (MA)102
     Bedford Vindicated: A Response to Carlo Pagetti on The First Men in the Moon (John Milstead)103
     Reflections on «Reflections on SF Criticism» (Damon Knight, Samuel R. Delany)105
     SF and Teaching in Quebec (Jean-Marc Gouanvic)107
     Attention «Wellsians»108
     Feminine Dimensions of SF: A Call for Papers109
     Some Words for our Readers and Writers110
     Notes on Contributors112
     Notes on SFS Style113
#27Volume 9Part 2July 1982 UTOPIA AND ANTI-UTOPIA 
     Editorial Introduction115
    H.G. WellsUtopias117
    John HuntingtonUtopian and Anti-Utopian Logic: H.G Wells and his Successors122
    Fredric JamesonProgress Versus Utopia; or, Can We Imagine the Future?147
    Tom MoylanThe Locus of Hope: Utopia Versus Ideology159
    Eugene D. HillThe Place of the Future: Louis Marin and his Utopiques167
    Alessandro PortelliJack London's Missing Revolution: Notes on The Iron Heel180
    David KettererCovering A Case of Conscience195
    Robert GriffinCharting More's Utopia215
    Donald WatsonBoundaries of Genre217
     Pirates in Paradise (MA)221
     Science-Ficidon «Stereotypes» (Ewa Stachniak)221
     Romanian SF (MA)223
     Le Guin by a Lover of the Marvellous (MA)223
     Guides to Science Fiction (RMP)224
     Science Fiction for the Classroom (C. Bruce Hunter)225
     In Memory of Philip K. Dick (Patricia Warrick)227
     Another Death «in the Family» (RMP)228
     Death and the Denial of History: The Textual Shadow of the SF Author (David Ketterer)228
     An Exchange on Campbell, Freud, and Wells (Damon Knight and John Rieder)230
     Some Authorial Notes on Alien Encounters (Mark Rose)232
     Conference on Narcissism233
     Orwell in Antwerp233
     Notes on Contributors234
    Patrick McCarthyEditorial Introduction235
     Editions and Abbreviations237
    Eric RabkinThe Composite Fiction of Olaf Stapledon238
    Robert BranhamStapledon's «Agnostic Mysticism»249
    John HuntingtonRemembrance of Things to Come: Narrative Technique in Last and First Men257
    Curtis C. SmithThe Manuscript of Last and First Men: Towards a Variorum265
    Amelia A. RutledgeStar Maker: The Agnostic Quest274
    Roy Arthur SwansonThe Spiritual Factor in Odd John and Sirius284
    Robert CrossleyPolitics and the Artist: The Aesthetic of Darkness and the Light294
    Robert CasilloOlaf Stapledon and John Ruskin306
    Fredric JamesonTowards a New Awareness of Genre322
    Charles ElkinsA Utopian Project325
     Unreal Rhetoric (Gary K. Wolfe)330
     Elements of the Gothic (Gisela Casines)331
     Precarious Bridges (David N. Samuelson)333
     Asimov Summarily Considered (Michael Tritt)334
     (No) Comparison (Donald M. Hassler)336
     An Indispensable Resource (C. Bruce Hunter)337
     Oedipus as Time Traveller (David Ketterer)340
     Death and the Textual Shadow of the SF Author, Again (Gregory Benford and David Ketterer)341
     The Angenot-Khouri Bibliography of Prehistoric Fiction: Additions, Corrections, and Comment (Gordon A. Chamberlain)342
     SF at the MLA Convention346
     Images of the Inner and Outer Space: A Conference at Nice346
     SF and the Construction of Reality: A Call for Papers347
     Fantasy and Horror, Aesthetics and Theory: A Call for Papers347
     Index to Volume 9350
     Notes on Contributors355
#29Volume 10Part 1March 1983 Editorial1
    Raymond FedermanAn Interview with Stanislaw Lem2
    James GunnThe Gatekeepers15
    Boris EizykmanChance and Science Fiction: SF as Stochastic Fiction24
    Kathleen L. SpencerThe Red Sun is High, the Blue Low: Towards a Stylistic Description of Science Fiction35
    Martin BridgstockA Psychological Approach to «Hard» Science Fiction50
    Patrick A. McCarthyScience Fiction as Creative Revisionism: The Example of Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination58
    H. Bruce FranklinDon't Look Where We're Going: The Vision of the Future in Science-Fiction Films, 1970-8270
    Bonnie Shannon McSorleyBuero Vallejo's Mito and El Tragaluz: The Twilight Zone of Hope81
    David KettererA Historical Survey of Canadian Science Fiction87
    Charles ElkinsGreat Expectations101
    Walter E. MeyersProblems with Herbert106
     The Eternal Present (Mark Siegel)109
     Waiting for E.T.: The Apocalyptic Literature of «Imminent Expectation» (David Ketterer)110
     A Stopgap Bester (Patrick A. McCarthy)112
     Style and Substance (C. Bruce Hunter)113
     Miscellanea (MA)113
     A Topology of Film Genres (Norman Kagan)115
     The Seventh Annual Institute on the Teaching of SF (James Gunn)118
     New Publications and Awards119
     Three Upcoming Conferences119
     Of Interest to Wellsians119
     A New Publishing Venture120
     Notes on Contributors121
#30Volume 10Part 2July 1983 Science Fiction in the Nineteenth Century 
     Editorial Introduction123
    Anca VlasopolosFrankenstein's Hidden Skeleton: The Psycho-Politics of Oppression125
    Maurice J. BennettEdgar Allan Poe and the Tradition of Lunar Speculation137
    Darko SuvinVictorian Science Fiction, 1871-85: The Rise of the Alternative History Sub-Genre148
    Nadia KhouriLost Worlds and the Revenge of Realism170
    Margaret MillerThe Ideal Woman in Two Feminist Science-Fiction Utopias191
    David KettererPantropy, Polyploidy, and Tectogenesis in the Fiction of James Blish and Norman L. Knight199
    Peter FittingReality as Ideological Construct: A Reading of Five Novels by Philip K. Dick219
    Marc AngenotAlbert Robida's Twentieth Century237
    Artur BlaimEncounters with Utopia241
    Linda LeithWomen and Science Fiction247
     Post-War Developments in SF Criticism: A (West) German View (Angela Habermann)251
     Poul Anderson, Technocrat and Bard (Paola Galli Mastrodonato)252
     Trial Reading (Donald M. Hassler)253
     Promiscuous Futurology (Richard Dwyer)254
     Corrigenda (Gordon B. Chamberlain)256
     Misleading Impression (Lynn F. Williams)256
     Wells's Sphinx and Edward Bellamy (RMP)256
     A Call for Papers on Black-American SF Writers257
     Kansas Center for the Study of SF257
     Science Fiction in Review258
     Notes on Contributors259
#31Volume 10Part 3November 1983 Extraliterary Forms of Science Fiction 
     Editorial Introduction261
    Manfred NaglThe Science-Fiction Film in Historical Perspective262
    J.E. SvilpisScience-Fiction Magazine Illustration: A Semiotic Analysis278
    Karin BlairSex and Star Trek292
    Andrew GordonE. T. as Fairy Tale298
    Victoria MyersConversational Technique in Ursula Le Guin: A Speech-Act Analysis306
    Stanislaw LemAbout the Strugatskys' Roadside Picnic317
    Dagmar BarnouwMelancholy Here Now: Artificial and Alien Intelligence333
    Daniel GerouldOn Soviet Science Fiction341
    Marc AngenotUtopia as State Novel344
     Integrations (Casey Fredericks)346
     Minding the Gap (David N. Samuelson)347
     New Worlds and Beyond (Kathleen L. Spencer)348
     Index Learning: The Le Guin Bibliography (James W. Bittner)350
     Five from the Borgo Press (Peter Fitting)352
     A Memorial to Robert Plank (Franz Rottensteiner)356
     A Plea for the Interdisciplinary (L.B. Cebik)357
     Conferences on Orwell358
     Call for Papers on «The Post-Catastrophe Theme»359
     Notes on Contributors360
     Index to Volume 10361
     Cumulative Index to Volumes 1-10364
#32Volume 11Part 1March 1984 ARTICLES 
    Robert SheltonThe Mars-Begotten Men of Olaf Stapledon and H.G. Wells1
    Carl FreedmanTowards a Theory of Paranoia: The Science Fiction of Philip K. Dick15
    Bulent SomayTowards an Open-Ended Utopia25
    Cecile LindsayThe Topography of (Science) Fiction: Claude Ollier's Life on Epsilon39
    David KettererThe Last Inspirational Gasp of James Blish: The Breath of Brahma45
    Yves ChevrierBlade Runner; or, The Sociology of Anticipation50
    David Y. HughesRecent Wells Studies61
    Robert M. PhilmusUndertaking Stapledon71
    John FeketeThe Transmigration of Philip K. Dick78
    FE.L. PriestleyUnderstanding the «Analytico-Referential» Lion82
     The View from Starmont House (Peter Fitting)88
     Questionable «Dialogues» (Patrick Parrinder)90
     News of Haggard (Kathleen McCormack)93
     Isaac Asimov, by a Friend (Patrick A. McCarthy)94
     A Valuable Record (Gary K. Wolfre.).95
     Polish Science Fiction (Ewa Stachniak)96
     Far from Indispensable (Andrew Gordon)97
     A Bibliographic Guide to «Alternative Sexuality» (Kathleen L. Spencer)98
     Tolerating SF (Linda Leith)99
     Professor Kagarlitsky «Disciplined» (Patrick Parrinder)101
     Embarrassing Reference (Darko Suvin)101
     Hallowe'en and Cinematic Trickery in E.T (David Ketterer and Andrew Gordon)102
     Peter Fitting on the Borgo Press: Two Reactions and a Note on SFS's Reviewing Policy (Robert Reginald, David Mogen, Peter Fitting, RMP)102
     A Case for Uncertainty (Donald M. Hassler)106
     A Demand for the «Social Sciences Perspective» (Harold Lee Prosser, RMP)105
     The First Orwell Conference (Paul Schlueter)107
     Utopian Social Control (MA)107
     Notes on Contributors108
#33Volume 11Part 2July 1984 ARTICLES 
    Franz RottensteinerPaul Scheerbart, Fantast of «Otherness»109
    Patrick A. McCarthyZamyatin and the Nightmare of Technology122
    Louis TremaineHistorical Consciousness in Stapledon and Malraux130
    Nancy Steffen-FluhrWomen and the Inner Game of Don Siegel's Invasion of the Body Snatchers139
    Clayton KoelbThe Language of Presence in Varley's «The Persistence of Vision»154
    Marie MacleanMetamorphoses of the Signifier in «Unnatural» Languages166
    John L. GrigsbyHerbert's Reversal of Asimov's Vision Reassessed: Foundation's Edge and God Emperor of Dune174
    Remi-MaureScience Fiction in Chile181
    John BellThe Persistence of Division190
    Fredric JamesonScience Fiction and the German Democratic Republic194
    Douglas BarbourCrown's Classics of Modern Science Fiction200
    Robert M. PhilmusNew Possibilities for Research on Science Fiction204
     Cockeyed Optimist (Eric Rabkin)210
     Silverberg (Gary K. Wolfe)211
     Introducing Piers Anthony (Peter A. Brigg)213
     Hybrid Vigor (Brian Attebery)214
     Strangers to Fiction (Richard Dwyer)214
     A Bibliographical Survey of «Conjectural Genres» (Sophie Beauli)217
     From «RVOG» to VOR: A Coded Message from James Blish (David Ketterer)220
     Innocence Unrewarded: A Note on E. T. and the Myth of Adolescence (Anthony Magistrale)223
     A Dialogue on Science Fiction Dialogues (Gary K. Wolfe & Patrick Parrinder)225
     A New French Journal (A)226
     Colloquia-ly Speaking (RMP)227
     Proposal for a Literature and Science Society (Lance Schacterle)228
     Literature and Science: A Bibliography (Walter Schatzberg)228
     Another SF Conference at Nice (Denise Terrel)228
     Notes on Contributors231
#34Volume 11Part 3November 1984 ARTICLES 
    Stanislaw LemRemarks Occasioned by Antoni Slonimski's The Torpedo of Time233
    Patrick A. McCarthyLast and First Men as Miltonic Epic244
    Paul BriansNuclear War in Science Fiction, 1945-59253
    Alan C. ElmsThe Creation of Cordwainer Smith264
    David KettererJames Blish's Welcome to Mars and the Haertel Complex284
    Simonetta SalvestroniThe Ambiguous Miracle in Three Novels by the Strugatsky Brothers291
    Heinz TschachlerDespotic Reason in Arcadia? Ernest Callenbach's Ecological Utopias304
    Daniel GerouldVilliers de l'Isle Adam and Science Fiction318
    Herbert SussmanVictorian Science Fiction324
    Donald WatsonDoomsday-And Beyond329
     Science Fiction and Philosophy (John Fekete)335
     The Mechanical God (Patrick A. McCarthy)337
     Entertaining Science (CE)338
     Covering the Apertures (Casey Fredericks)339
     A Good Beginning (Susan L. Nickerson)340
     Female Protagonists (Linda Leith)341
     Pop. Lit. Crit. (Linda Leith)341
     The Campbell Award (RMP)344
     Special Issues (RMP, MA)344
     A Call for Canadian Science Fiction (RMP)344
     Notes on Contributors345
     Index to Volume 11347
#35Volume 12Part 1March 1985 ARTICLES 
    Stanislaw LemZulawski's Silver Glove1
    Istvan Csicsery-RonayThe Book is the Alien: On Certain and Uncertain Readings of Lem's Solaris6
    Kenneth MathiesonThe Influence of Science Fiction in the Contemporary American Novel22
    Robert Murray DavisThe Frontiers of Genre: Science-Fiction Westerns33
    Nicholas RuddickThe World Turned Inside Out: Decoding Clarke's Rendezvous with Rama42
    Judith E. BossThe Season of Becoming: Ann Maxwell's Change51
    Boris EizykmanTemporality in Science-Fiction Narrative66
    H. Bruce FranklinMark Twain and Science Fiction88
    David KettererThe Belated Discovery of Canadian Science Fiction (and Fantasy)91
     Formula Fiction? (Bernard Weinstock)97
     Voices for the Future? (Kathleen L. Spencer)98
     Crossbreed Commentary (Donald M. Hassler)100
     A May Companion (Susan L. Nickerson)101
     Bibliographies of Ballard and Zelazny (Gary K. Wolfe)102
     Literary Descendants of C.L. Moore (Linda Leith)103
     Labor of Love (CE)104
     Altering Invasion of the Body Snjatchers (Ellen Pedersen & Nancy Steffen-Fluhr)105
     Publication Notes (With a Call for Papers)110
     Forthcoming Conferences (With a Call for Papers)111
     Notes on Contributors112
#36Volume 12Part 2July 1985 TO 1984 AND BEYOND 
     Editorial Introduction113
    Patrick ParrinderUtopia and Meta-Utopia in H.G. Wells115
    Marc AngenotThe Emergence of the Anti-Utopian Genre in France: Souvestre, Giraudeau, Robida, et al129
    Nadia KhouriReaction and Nihilism: The Political Genealogy of Orwell's 1984136
    Jacques LemieuxUtopias and Social Relations in American Science Fiction, 1950-80148
    Peter FittingSo We All Became Mothers: New Roles for Men in Recent Utopian Fiction156
    Paul AlkonSamuel Madden's Memoirs of the Twentieth Century184
    Takayuki TatsumiAn Interview with Darko Suvin202
    Franz RottensteinerRecent Books on Science Fiction from Germany209
     Introduction to a «Past Master» (Carmela Pinto McIntire)221
     Huxley as Humanist (Stephen M. Fjellman)222
     No News About Vonnegut (Franz Rottensteiner)223
     An Old World Guide to the New (David Ketterer)223
     Philosophers Need Something Else (William M. Schuyler, Jr)225
     Indexing Science-Fiction Magazines (RMP)225
     A Cordwainer Smith Concordance (Alan C. Elms)226
     On Nils Frome and Blish, Lovecraft, et al. (Sam Moskowitz & David Ketterer)229
     Ruddick on Rama: An Amplification (Steven Lehman)237
     News from Various Quarters (RMP, Line Maurel)237
     Notes on Contributors239
#37Volume 12Part 3November 1985Joseph FrancavillaDisching It Out: An Interview with Thomas Disch241
    Mark SiegelForeigner as Alien in Japanese Science Fantasy252
    Tony WilliamsFemale Oppression in Attack of the 50-Foot Woman264
    Anne Cranny-FrancisSexuality and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Star Trek274
    Perry NodelmanOut There in Children's Science Fiction: Forward into the Past285
    Lorenz J. FirschingJ.G. Ballard's Ambiguous Apocalypse297
    Nancy Steffen-FluhrPaper Tiger: Women and H.G. Wells311
     Thematic Reductions (Howard Kaminsky)330
     Cybernetics and Science Fiction (Richard A. Schwartz)331
     A Narrow View of Fantasy (Gary K. Wolfe)334
     Arthurian Legend and Science Fiction (Richard Dwyer)335
     A Visual Commentary on Frankenstein (David Ketterer)337
     A Failure of Scholarship (Merritt Abrash)337
     Packaging Le Guin for the General Reader (James Bittner)339
     Trying the Reader's Patience (Kathleen L. Spencer)343
     A Guide to Farmer (Gary K. Wolfe)345
     The Frome Finale (Sam Moskowitz)347
     Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy (John Robert Colombo)348
     SF in the USSR: A Call for Papers (Darko Suvin)349
     Upcoming Conferences (Giuseppa Battisti, George Slusser)350
     Miscellaneous Notes (Lance Schacterle, Line Maurel)350
     Notes on Contributors351
     Index to Volume 12353
#38Volume 13Part 1March 1986 ARTICLES 
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Towards the Last Fairy Tale: On the Fairy-Tale Paradigm in the Strugatskys' Science Fiction, 1963-721
    Marleen BarrThe Females Do the Fathering: James Tiptree's Male Matriarchs and Adult Human Gametes42
    Stephen M. FjellmanPrescience and Power: God Emperor of Dune and the Intellectuals50
    Nachman Ben-YehudaSociological Reflections on the History of Science Fiction in Israel64
    Susan GubarFeminism and Utopia79
    I.F. ClarkeDorking Revisited84
     Chronic Adolescence (Linda Leith)87
     Science Fiction and Fantasy Film: Shadow and Substance (Andrew Gordon)89
     Morris as Prophet (Patrick Parrinder)92
     Interpretatively Sound, Theoretically Weak (Linda Leith)92
     A Descent into Respectability? (David Ketterer)94
     One Man's Canon (Veronica Hollinger)95
     Italo Calvino: In Memoriam (Teresa de Lauretis)97
     Nils Frome in The Golden Atom (Sam Moskowitz)98
     Sic or No (Damon Knight, RMP, Anne Cranny-Francis, Mark Siegel)107
     Miscellaneous Notes110
     The New SFS Stylesheet112
     Notes on Contributors113
#39Volume 13Part 2July 1986 NUCLEAR WAR AND SCIENCE FICTION 
     Editorial Introduction by H. Bruce Franklin115
    H. Bruce FranklinStrange Scenarios: Science Fiction, the Theory of Alienation, and the Nuclear Gods117
    Merritt AbrashThrough Logic to Apocalypse: Science-Fiction Scenarios of Nuclear Deterrence Breakdown129
    D.H. DowlingThe Atomic Scientist: Machine or Moralist?139
    Martha BartterNuclear Holocaust as Urban Renewal148
    Dominic ManganielloHistory as Judgment and Promise in A Canticle for Leibowitz159
    Daniel L. ZinsRescuing Science from Technocracy: Cat's Cradle and the Play of Apocalypse170
    Thomas J. MorrisseyZelazny: Mythmaker of Nuclear War182
    Paul BriansResources for the Study of Nuclear War in Fiction193
    Paul BriansDealing with Nuclear Catastrophe198
    John HuntingtonRethinking Wells200
     Apres Nous le Deluge (I.F. Clarke)207
     A Field-Theory Model as Critical Strategy (CE)209
     The (US) Space Program: An Optimist's View (St George Tucker Arnold)211
     Children's Science Fiction as Retreaded Romance (Perry Nodelman)216
     Flotsam from the Moon Pool (Gary K. Wolfe)219
     Canopus in Limbo (Linda Leith)220
     Theodore Sturgeon: 1918-85 (David Hartwell)223
     The Experimenter Bankruptcy (R.D. Mullen)224
     The Perils of Generalizing About Children's Science Fiction (Jill May & Perry Nodelman)225
     An Exchange on «Dorking Revisited» (Carlo Pagetti, I.F. Clarke)229
     More from Damon Knight230
     The Impact of Publishers' «Star» Wars? (RMP)231
     Calls for Papers232
     Notes on Contributors233
#40Volume 13Part 3November 1986 Stanislaw Lem 
     Editorial Introduction by Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr235
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Twenty-Two Answers and Two Postscripts: An Interview with Stanislaw Lem242
    Stanislaw LemMetafuturology261
    Stanislaw LemOn Stapledon's Last and First Men272
    N. Katherine HaylesSpace for Writing: Stanislaw Lem and the Dialectic «That Guides My Pen»292
    Robert M.. PhilmusFuturological Congress as Metageneric Text 313
    David FieldFluid Worlds: Lem's Solaris and Nabokov's Ada329
    L.A. AnninskiOn Lem's The High Castle345
    Irina RodnianskaiaTwo Faces of Stanislaw Lem: On His Master's Voice352
    Jerzy JarzębskiStanislaw Lem's «Star Diaries»361
    Michael KandelTwo Meditations on Stanislaw Lem374
    Stanislaw LemOn the Genesis of Wizja Lokalna (Eyewitness Account)382
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.How Not to Write a Book About Lem387
     Lem's Complexity: Chance and Order (Franz Rottensteiner)393
     Alchemy and Science in Frankenstein (David Ketterer)395
     American Technological Utopianism (Herbert Sussman)397
     The Origin of (the) Specious (Michael D. Rose)398
     A Step in the Right Direction (Edgar L. Chapman)400
     Viewing Science Fiction from Down Under (Mark Leahy)402
     The Politics of Soviet Science Fiction (Charles Nicol)403
     Frank Herbert, 1920-86 (Vonda N. McIntyre)405
     Jane's Honor and Tarzan's Chivalry Again Impugned (R.D. Mullen)405
     Corrigenda and Addenda (Paul Brians)406
     Where Did You Put Those Papers? (Forrest J. Ackerman)407
     Calls for Papers407
     Notes on Contributors410
#41Volume 14Part 1March 1987 ARTICLES 
    Stanislaw LemOn Stapledon's Star Maker1
    Charles NicolNabokov and Science Fiction: «Lance»9
    Patrick D. MurphyDialogics and Didacticism: John Brunner's Narrative Blending21
    Søren BaggesenUtopian and Dystopian Pessimism: Le Guin's The Word for World is Forest and Tiptree's «We Who Stole the Dream»34
    Fredric JamesonScience Fiction as a Spatial Genre: Generic Discontinuities and the Problem of Figuration in Vonda McIntyre's The Exile Waiting44
    Florian F. MarzinScience Fiction and Censorship in West Germany: A Literary Genre on the Index60
    Earl G. Ingersoll, ed.A Conversation with Isaac Asimov68
    David Y. HughesBritish «Scientific Romance»78
    Elizabeth MaslenProper Words in Proper Places: The Challenge of Capek's War with the Newts82
    Robert CrossleyDystopian Nights93
    W. Warren WagarThe Best and Worst of Times99
     The Politics of Utopia (Nadia Khouri)105
     Deviant But Not Marginal (Robert Galbreath)106
     Historic Overview (Marc Angenot)108
     Jack London (Nadia Khouri)110
     On the Other Hand (Marleen Barr)111
     Throwing Down the Gauntlet (Donald M. Hassler)115
     The «Sound of Wonder» Transcribed (Howard Fink)116
     Obituaries (RMP)119
     Philip K. Dick in France (Peter Fitting)120
     Whose «Failureo f Scholarship»?( Kim Stanley Robinson)121
     Upcoming Conferences (With a Call for Papers)123
     Some Words for Our Subscribers (RMP)123
     Index to Volume 13125
     Notes on Contributors129
#42Volume 14Part 2July 1987 Critical Approaches to Science Fiction: Retrospects & Prospects 
     Editorial Introduction131
    Samuel R. DelanyThe Semiology of Silence134
    H.-J. SchulzScience Fiction and Ideology: Some Problems of Approach165
    Carl FreedmanScience Fiction and Critical Theory180
    Veronica HollingerDeconstructing the Time Machine201
    Antoni SmuszkiewiczProps and Their Function in Science Fiction222
    Naomi JacobsPerson and Persona: Historical Figures in «Recombinant» Science Fiction230
    Fredric JamesonShifting Contexts of Science-Fiction Theory241
    Kathleen L. SpencerVintage Delany248
    Gary K. WolfeA Range of Reference Works252
    Carlo PagettiScience Fiction Criticism in Italy, In and Out of the University261
    David KettererAndrogyny vs. Bifurcation: A Psychological Reading of Frankenstein267
    Daniel GerouldAlexander Bogdanov, Founder of Soviet Science Fiction271
     American Science Fiction Summarily Treated (Patrick McCarthy) 275
     Zelazny Deserves Better (Douglas Barbour)277
     Deviant Delights (Richard Dwyer)278
     Visual and Verbal Expressions of Sexuality (Kenneth E. Johnson) 279
     A Utopian Synthesis (Sophie Beaule)281
     A Bibliography of the Fantastic (Mary Ellen Ross)283
     Professor Kagarlitsky: An Update (Patrick Parrinder)285
     O'Neill Revisited (Brian Aldiss)285
     Scholars and Pedants (George Slusser, Merritt Abrash)286
     Calls for Papers289
     Notes on Contributors290
#43Volume 14Part 3November 1987 Science-Fiction Film 
     Editorial Introduction291
    Simonetta SalvestroniThe Science-Fiction Films of Andrei Tarkovsky294
    Paul CoatesChris Marker and the Cinema as Time Machine307
    Peter C. Hall and Richard D. ErlichBeyond Topeka and Thunderdome: Variations on the Comic-Romance Pattern in Recent SF Film316
    Thomas B. ByersCommodity Futures: Corporate State and Personal Style in Three Recent Science-Fiction Movies326
    Peter FittingFuturecop: The Neutralization of Revolt in Blade Runner340
    Todd H. SammonsReturn of the Jedi: Epic Grafitti355
    Andrew GordonBack to the Future: Oedipus as Time Traveller372
    Andrew GordonScience-Fiction Film Criticism: The Postmodern Always Rings Twice386
    David Y. HughesDesperately Mortal392
     Knowledge is Ignorance (Emanuel J. Mickel, Jr.)400
     Feminist Worlds Within Postmodernism (Marleen Barr)405
     One Out of Three (Kathleen L. Spencer)407
     A Model Bibliography (RMP)410
     Alice Hastings Sheldon, 1915-87 (Linda Leith)412
     Censorship in West Germany: An Update (Rainer Eisfeld)413
     Index to Volume 14414
     Notes on Contributors418
#44Volume 15Part 1March 1988 ARTICLES 
    Arthur B. EvansScience Fiction vs. Scientific Fiction in France: From Jules Verne to J.-H. Rosny Aine1
    Albert I. BergerTheories of History and Social Order in Astounding Science Fiction, 1934-5512
    Donald M. HasslerSome Asimov Resonances from the Enlightenment36
    Katherine FishburnDoris Lessing's Briefing for a Descent into Hell: Science Fiction or Psycho-Drama?48
    Carl R. KropfDouglas Adams's «Hitchhiker» Novels as Mock Science Fiction61
    Jean-Marc GouanvicRational Speculations in French Canada, 1839-197471
     John Quill. The Women's Millennium82
    Kenneth M. RoemerPrescriptions for Readers (and Writers) of Utopias88
     Handle With Care (William Butcher)94
     Second Chances (David Y. Hughes)95
     Something to Think About (Russell Letson)97
     Blooming Absences (Elizabeth Cummins)99
     Totalizing History (Veronica Hollinger)102
     The Late, Great Alfie B., 1913-87 (Carolyn Wendell)106
     Who Was Really Moxon's Master? (Franz Rottensteiner)107
     The Joyce of Blish: Finnegans Wake in A Case of Conscience (Patrick A. McCarthy)112
     The Stapledon Bibliography: A Clarification (Harvey Satty)118
     Unknown Black SF Writers? (Frederick Lerner, Kathleen L. Spencer)118
     A Call for Papers119
     Notes on Contributors120
#45Volume 15Part 2July 1988 Special Issue: Philip K. Dick 
    Carl FreedmanEditorial Introduction: Philip K. Dick and Criticism121
    Roger BozzettoDick in France: A Love Story131
    Daniel FondanecheDick, the Libertarian Prophet141
    John HuntingtonPhilip K. Dick: Authenticity and Insincerity152
    Eric S. RabkinIrrational Expectations: or, How Economics and the Post-Industrial World Failed Philip K. Dick161
    Scott DurhamP.K. Dick: From the Death of the Subject to a Theology of Late Capitalism173
    George SlusserHistory, Historicity, Story187
    John RiederThe Metafictive World of The Man in the High Castle: Hermeneutics, Ethics, and Political Ideology214
    Emmanuel JouanneHow «Dickian» is the New French Science Fiction?226
    Jean-Pierre BarricelliAfterword: The Morigny Conference232
    Gary K. WolfeNot Quite Coming to Terms234
    Patrick A. McCarthyStapledon's Microcosm of Community237
    I. F. ClarkeOf Men and Martians240
     The Utopian Imagination (Brian Garvey)244
     Thematic Explorations (Sarah Pell)246
     Raymond Williams, 1921-88 (Patrick Parrinder)250
     Anthony West (RMP)250
     Between Faith and Melancholy: Irony and the Gnostic Meaning of Dick's «Divine Trilogy» (Jean-Noel Dumont)251
     In Dispute (Norbert Spehner, Jean-Marc Gouanvic)254
     In Print (Carol Horner, Kent State UP)256
     Call for Papers256
     Notes on Contributors257
#46Volume 15Part 3November 1988 ARTICLES 
    Carl D. MalmgrenTowards a Definition of Science Fantasy259
    Jean PfaelzerThe Changing of the Avant-Garde: The Feminist Utopia282
    Susan Stone-BlackburnScience and Humanism in Gregory Benford's Timescape295
    John FeketeThe Stimulations of Simulations: Five Theses on Science Fiction and Marxism312
    Marc Angenot and Darko SuvinA Response to Professor Fekete's «Five Theses»324
    Larry McCafferyOn Encompassing the Entire Universe: An Interview with Gene Wolfe334
    Raymond WilliamsScience Fiction356
    David N. SamuelsonSpiking the Canons361
    David LakeUndefinitive Wells369
     Where's the Theory? (Kathleen L. Spencer)374
     A Modern Dystopia (Harry M. Geduld)376
     Orwell's Purposes (Philip J. Snyder)378
     Christian Theology in Fantasy (Robert Reilly)380
     Madness in their Method (Donald M. Hassler)381
     Not What You're Looking For (RMP)383
     Robert Anson Heinlein, 1907-88 (George Slusser)385
     More on Moxon's Master (Everett F. Bleiler, Franz Rottensteiner)386
     The Upcoming Eaton Conference390
     For SFRA Members Only391
     New Publications391
     Index to Volume 15392
     Notes on Contributors395
#47Volume 16Part 1March 1989 ARTICLES 
    George E. SlusserStructures of Apprehension: Lem, Heinlein, and the Strugatskys1
    Rafail NudelmanSoviet Science Fiction and the Ideology of Soviet Society38
    Vladimir Gakov and Paul BriansNuclear-War Themes in Soviet Science Fiction: An Annotated Bibliography67
    James SextonAldous Huxley's Bokanovsky85
    S.A. CowanFive-Finger Exercise: Asimov's Clues to the Plot-Solution of «Catch That Rabbit»90
    Arthur B. EvansFutures of the Past94
    David Y. HughesGod, the Devil, and H.G. Wells103
     World's Ends (W. Warren Wagar)109
     Glances into the Nuclear Abyss (Alexander H. McIntire, Jr.)110
     Feminist Good Places (Sarah Westphal-Wihl)113
     Another Response to John Fekete (Carl Freedman)116
     Moxon's Master Again: The Definitive Solution (Damon Knight)117
     Upcoming Conferences117
     Notes on Contributors119
#48Volume 16Part 2July 1989 ARTICLES 
    Albert I. BergerTowards a Science of the Nuclear Mind: Science-Fiction Origins of Dianetics123
    Veronica HollingerThe Vampire and the Alien: Variations on the Outsider145
    Francis CromphoutFrom Estrangement to Commitment: Italo Calvino's Cosmicomics and T Zero161
    Thomas J. MorrisseyPamela Sargent's Science Fiction for Young Adults: Celebrations of Change184
    John FeketeScience Fiction in Hungary191
    James Stanford BradshawThe Science Fiction of Robert Barr201
    David KettererMargaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale: A Contextual Dystopia209
    Marc AngenotFollowing the Thread218
    Veronica HollingerFeminist SF: Construction and Deconstruction223
     Renewing the Utopian Debate. (Thomas Moylan)228
     Hit-and-Miss History. (Patrick Parrinder)231
     Philip K. Dick is Dead. (Peter Fitting)233
     A Question of Genre. (Francis Cromphout)236
     Bellamy Bibliographied. (Kenneth M. Roemer)238
     A New SF Bibliography from Quebec. (Arthur B. Evans)240
     Purveying H.G. Wells: A Secondary Bibliography. (RMP)243
     A Survey of the Best SF in the USSR. (RMP)246
     More on Black Writers of SF. (Graham Stone, Kathleen L. Spencer)246
     Library News. (Peter Fitting, RMP)248
     Contributions Wanted249
     Notes on Contributors250
#49Volume 16Part 3November 1989 SCIENCE FICTION IN FRANCE 
    George SlusserScience Fiction in France: An Introduction251
    Arthur B. EvansScience Fiction in France: A Brief History254
    Bradford LyauTechnocratic Anxiety in France: The Fleuve Noir «Anticipation» Novels, 1951-60277
    Pascal ThomasThe Current State of Science Fiction in France298
    George SlusserThe Beginnings of Fiction307
    Arthur B. EvansScience Fiction in France: A Selective Bibliography of Secondary Materials338
    Kenneth BerriJules Verne: Forward into the Past369
    Gary K. WolfeA Convention of Cats379
    Carl D.MalmgrenA Matter of «Boiling Roses»384
     An Apology for Apocalyptic (James E. Huchingson)388
     Imprisoned in a Tesseract: Two Views (Desmond Tarrant and Roz Kaveney)390
     Pragmatic Distinctions (David Ketterer)397
     News About the Strugatskys (Yvonne Howell)400
     Disagreeing Over the Definitive Time Machine (Harry M. Geduld and David J. Lake)400
     Contributors Wanted404
     Index to Volume 16405
     Notes on Contributors408
     Back Issues, Volumes 8 to 12409
#50Volume 17Part 1March 1990 ARTICLES 
    Roger BozzettoIntercultural Interplay: Science Fiction in France and the United States (As Viewed from the French Shore)1
    Patrick D. MurphyReducing the Dystopian Distance: Pseudo-Documentary Framing in Near-Future Fiction25
    Glenn GrantTranscendence Through Detournement in William Gibson's Neuromancer41
    Ivan AdamovicCzech SF in the Last Forty Years50
    Selma B. BrodyThe Source and Significance of Poe's Use of Azote in «Hans Pfaall»60
    Robert M. PhilmusTextual Authority: The Strange Case of The Island of Doctor Moreau64
    Patrick ParrinderWells's Cancelled Endings for «The Country of the Blind»71
    Ilan StavansBorges and Science Fiction77
    Sam MoskowitzThe First Canadian Science-Fantasy Magazine84
    Fredric JamesonCritical Agendas93
    Charles ElkinsSearching for the Exploding Grail103
     Off Base (I.F. Clarke)112
     Secrets of the Pulp Canon (H. Bruce Franklin)115
     Dancing Gracefully But Cautiously: Ursula Le Guin's Criticism (Joan Gordon)117
     News About Marshall Tymn120
     Additions to and Corrections of «The Beginnings of Fiction».120
     Disagreeing over The Definitive Time Machine, Again121
     Utopian Studies121
     A Call for Papers on SF and Science, Short Stories Wanted122
     Books Received122
     Notes on Contributors128
#51Volume 17Part 2July 1990 Science Fiction by Women 
    Veronica HollingerIntroduction: Women in Science Fiction and Other Hopeful Monsters129
    Robin RobertsPost-Modernism and Feminist Science Fiction136
    Elizabeth CumminsThe Land-Lady's Homebirth: Revisiting Ursula K. Le Guin's Worlds153
    Kathleen L. SpencerRescuing the Female Child: The Fiction of Joanna Russ167
    Nancy Steffen-FluhrThe Case of the Haploid Heart: Psychological Patterns in the Science Fiction of Alice Sheldon («James Tiptree, Jr.»)188
    Phyllis Sternberg PerrakisThe Marriage of Inner and Outer Space in Doris Lessing's Shikasta221
    Hoda M. ZakiUtopia, Dystopia, and Ideology in the Science Fiction of Octavia Butler239
    Jane DonawerthLilith Lorraine: Feminist Socialist Writer in the Pulps252
    Meri-Jane RochelsonMary Shelley's Progeny259
    Charles ElkinsThe Uses of Science Fiction269
     Sturgeon's Law (Andrew Gordon)273
     Rediscovering Science-Fiction Art (Gary K. Wolfe)276
     J. G. Ballard's «Terminal Irony» (Dennis M. McGucken)278
     Methodologically Questionable (Carol D. Stevens)280
     A Herbert Bibliography (Walter E. Meyers)282
     Critical Misconceptions (David Ketterer)285
     Concerning the Pilgrim Award (Walter E. Meyers, Joan Gordon)286
     A Feminist Forum287
     Upcoming Conferences and Other News of Note287
     Notes on Contributors289
#52Volume 17Part 3November 1990 An Editorial Farewell (Almost)291
     On Triton and Other Matters: An Interview with Samuel R. Delany295
    Martha A. BartterThe (SF) Reader and the Quantum Paradigm: Problems in Delany's Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand325
    H. Bruce FranklinThe Vietnam War as American SF and Fantasy341
    Carlo PagettiIn the Year of Our Lord Hitler 720: Katharine Burdekin's Swastika Night360
    Roger BozzettoKepler's Somnium; or, Science Fiction's Missing Link370
    Raimund BorgmeierObjectives and Methods in the Analysis of SF: The Case of Science-Fiction Studies383
    Gary K. WolfeWriters as Critics392
     News from Somewhere (Marleen Barr)401
     The View from Leipzig (Gary K. Wolfe)404
     Welcome Mats for Newcomers (R.D. Mullen)407
     Twenty-One Ways of Looking at a Vampire (Veronica Hollinger)409
     Redemptive «Symmes' Holes» of the Mind? (David Ketterer)411
     Still on the Level (Martha A. Bartter)413
     More (on) Revisions of «The Country of the Blind» (A. Langley Searles)417
     Gernsback, His Editors, and Women Writers (Eric Leif Davin, Jane Donawerth)418
     Books Received424
     Calls for Papers (George Slusser)422
     Miscellaneous News423
     Index to Volume 17424
     Cumulative Index to Volumes 11 to 17427
     Notes on Contributors450



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