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Филип Дик «Нацизм и «Высокий замок»»

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Нацизм и «Высокий замок»

Naziism and The High Castle

Статья, год


Editorial note to the PKDS Newsletter #14 states «'Naziism and the High Castle' appeared in Niekas #9, September 1964, and clearly was written in response to a review by Poul Anderson of The Man in the High Castle and, more particularly, to letters from the fanzine's readers that were published in the March 1964 issue, commenting on issues raised by that review.»

Входит в:

— сборник «Блуждающая реальность», 1995 г.

Блуждающая реальность
2022 г.

Издания на иностранных языках:

The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick: Selected Literary and Philosophical Writings
1995 г.


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