Legends Short Novels By The ...

«Legends: Short Novels By The Masters of Modern Fantasy»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:


Legends: Short Novels By The Masters of Modern Fantasy

Язык издания: английский


New York: Tor Fantasy, 2001 г. (август)

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 978-0-7653-0035-5

Тип обложки: мягкая

Страниц: 720



  1. Robert Silverberg. Introduction (статья), p. 11-16
  2. Robert Silverberg. The Dark Tower (статья), p. 21-22
  3. Stephen King. The Little Sisters of Eluria (повесть), p. 23-89
  4. Robert Silverberg. Discworld (статья), p. 95-97
  5. Terry Pratchett. The Sea and Little Fishes (рассказ), p. 99-138
  6. Robert Silverberg. The Sword of Truth (статья), p. 143-144
  7. Terry Goodkind. Debt of Bones (повесть), p. 145-214
  8. Robert Silverberg. Tales of Alvin Maker (статья), p. 219
  9. Orson Scott Card. Grinning Man (рассказ), p. 221-253
  10. Robert Silverberg. Majipoor (статья), p. 259-261
  11. Robert Silverberg. The Seventh Shrine (повесть), p. 263-332
  12. Robert Silverberg. Earthsea (статья), p. 337-339
  13. Ursula K. Le Guin. Dragonfly (повесть), p. 341-395
  14. Robert Silverberg. Memory, Sorrow and Thorn (статья), p. 401
  15. Tad Williams. Burning Man (повесть), p. 403-450
  16. Robert Silverberg. A Song of Ice and Fire (статья), p. 455-456
  17. George R. R. Martin. The Hedge Knight (повесть), p. 457-533
  18. Robert Silverberg. Pern (статья), p. 539-541
  19. Anne McCaffrey. Runner of Pern (повесть), p. 543-593
  20. Robert Silverberg. The Riftwar Saga (статья), p. 599-601
  21. Raymond E. Feist. The Wood Boy (рассказ), p. 603-629
  22. Robert Silverberg. The Wheel of Time (статья), p. 635-636
  23. Robert Jordan. New Spring (повесть), p. 637-715


Dimensions: 154x233 mm


p. 19, which in illustrated by Erik Wilson [The Little Sisters of Eluria]

p. 93, which in illustrated by Paul Kidby [Discworld]

p. 146, which in illustrated by Keith Parkinson [Debt of Bones]

All other in-text illustrations by Michael Whelan


p. 140-141, The Sword of Truth

p. 216, North America. Political Features [Tales of Alvin Maker]

p. 217, North America. Physical Features [Tales of Alvin Maker]

p. 257, Majipoor

p. 335, The Inner Archipelago of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin [Earthsea]

p. 399, Osten Ard by Tad Williams [Memory, Sorrow and Thorn]

p. 452, Westeros. The North by James Sinclair [A Song of Ice and Fire]

p. 453, Westeros. The South by James Sinclair [A Song of Ice and Fire]

p. 596-597, Midkemia [The Riftwar Saga]

p. 632-633,The Wheel of Time

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